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Four female students in professional clothes smiling
Four female students in professional clothes smiling
Kayla Francis

Your Guide to the FSU Seminole Futures Career & Internship Fair

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at FSU chapter.

The FSU Seminole Futures Career & Internship Fair is coming up! It will take place on Sept. 26 at the Donald L. Tucker Civic Center. It’s from 9 a.m. until noon before an hour-long break. Then, the fair will continue from 1 p.m. until 4 p.m.

Recruiters from over 120 companies who have internships and jobs available will be attending. I think that it’s super important for everyone to go, whether you are a freshman or a senior. Since it can be a little intimidating, here are the tips and tricks that I use to get through this!


Register for the career fair! This registration page provides an overview of the companies that will be attending. So, you can make a list of all the employers that look even the slightest bit interesting to you. There’s a lot going on at the career fair, so it’s important to have some sort of plan so you don’t feel overwhelmed.

print your resume

I get my resume checked by multiple people to make sure it’s perfect to hand out to recruiters. You can also do this for free at the FSU Career Center! They have virtual and in-person advising. Some companies are known to message students that they are interested in, so I also include my resume with my registration form!

Resumes should typically be printed on resume paper. It’s different from normal paper because it’s a little bit heavier and helps your resume look more professional. You can buy this at Target, Amazon, or any place that sells office supplies. I bring at least 20 copies with me to the career fair.

Dress to Impress

It’s a faux pas to show up in your normal class clothes! I make sure to set aside time to change into more formal attire.

Recruiters look at what you’re wearing, so there’s an extra incentive to dress professionally. I wear either business casual or business professional clothing. A nice pair of slacks with a complementary top and shoes are enough.

Use LinkedIn

Social media has so many different uses nowadays and LinkedIn is the best for business. If you don’t have an account, I recommend creating one!

LinkedIn is a digital resume and networking platform! You can ask recruiters for their LinkedIn and make a connection that lasts longer than just the internship fair.

be vocal

Don’t be afraid to go talk to the recruiters. They’re there to meet you! Even if it’s not something that you’re super interested in, you can stop by to hear about their stories, work experience, and advice.

If I meet anyone that I have a connection with, I’ll send them a thank you through their LinkedIn or email address after the fair. Remember to thank them for their time and say you had a great experience meeting them! Many of these recruiters come back every year, so keeping that connection is super important!

The FSU Seminole Futures Career & Internship Fair is a great opportunity to get out there and share your interest early! I remind myself that as intimidating as it may seem, utilizing networking opportunities that FSU provides us will jumpstart my professional career! I’ll definitely be there, and I hope to see you, too!

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Jessica is a senior at Florida State University majoring in Retail Entrepreneurship and minoring in Anthropology. She is a latina from Hollywood, Florida and loves reading, thrifting, and all things beauty!