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4 Women’s Organizations at FSU You Should Get Involved With

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at FSU chapter.

Being a new college student can be especially overwhelming when trying to get involved on campus. These feelings can get even stronger when you’re a woman. It’s important to find places on campus where you feel like you belong and have a sense of community. Here at FSU, we have an amazing collection of women’s organizations you can get involved with. 

Women’s Student Union

The first and most obvious choice is the Women’s Student Union. The Women’s Student Union has exciting events all year round, like yoga, study nights, and vision board nights. Their office is on the third floor of the Student Union, room 3225. Usually, whenever there is an executive member, you can go and hang out to get to know more about the organization. Plus, the Women’s Student Union has many smaller women’s organizations within it that you can learn more about, too! 

1910 Honorary

On that note, it’s time to talk about the 1910 Honorary. 1910 Honorary is a new women’s honors organization on campus officially established in the Fall 2022 semester. If you want to connect with other exceptional women leaders on campus while getting to attend cool events, this is a great organization to start with!

All their new members go on a New Members Retreat where you can meet each other and bond over being a women student leader on campus! This organization does have requirements to join, such as a GPA of at least 3.0 and two leadership positions on or off campus. However, even if you don’t meet these requirements yet, they’re something you could strive toward! 

Women In (Blank)

If you want something more career-driven, there are plenty of organizations on campus meant for women in various fields, such as Women in Pre-Law and Women in Business. These organizations can be great to get involved in, learn more about the career you are interested in, and meet others on the same path as you. It’s incredible how you can learn and help others around you in these types of organizations! Many of them have professional development events such as resume building or workshops. For example, Women in Pre-Law recently had an LSAT workshop night where an representative from TestMasters (LSAT tutoring company) came and taught members tips and tricks to get a high score on the LSAT.  

Her Campus at FSU

Of course, we also have our own Her Campus chapter. For those who don’t know, Her Campus is a women’s journalism organization where female students build their resumes and practice their writing skills. However, there are also a ton of fantastic opportunities that Her Campus can introduce you to. We often have networking events with various individuals working in the media job sector and cool interview opportunities with bands, singers, and other artists.

What’s important to know is that this club isn’t just for English or Communication majors! There are so many different majors involved. For example, I am a Political Science major, and I still love getting the opportunity to write about things happening on campus.  

Finding a sense of community and belonging on campus is so important because it can make the big, scary change of college way less jarring. It’s vital to find ways we can all help and uplift each other as FSU students!   

Want to see more HCFSU? Be sure to like us on Facebook and follow us on Instagram, Twitter, TikTok, and Pinterest! 

Hi! I am a student at Florida State University. My pronouns are she/they and I am a part of the LGBTQ+ community! My first and foremost goal is to share information that I feel will benefit everyone and make sure that everyone feels heard and seen.