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Photo by Shannon Moore

3 Fun 1000-Level Classes Offered at FSU

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at FSU chapter.

Are you into tight-roping or being a clown? How about sipping your way through a variety of tea and coffee? Well, whatever you’re in the mood for, FSU probably offers a class that would fit it. As someone with some extra credits to fill, I have spent time exploring the selection of fun and exciting classes offered at FSU, and here are my top three in terms of entertainment and interest.

beginning ballet 1 – nonmajors (DAA 1200)

Balletcore has been trending all over social media for a while now. From the adorable outfits to the cute hair, this is a class that I had a lot of fun with. I started shopping before the semester even started. Now, I can just blame my spending on the fact that it was all obviously educational necessities — like, I definitely need all those boleros, leotards, and skirts! The class is a great way to get yourself moving, help with your flexibility and posture, and teach you the basics. Afterward, you might appreciate the skill just a little bit more when watching The Nutcracker.

tennis (PEL 1341)

I’ve realized the pattern of my favorite classes: I love shopping. Tennis, similarly to ballet, gave me a lot of opportunities to show off different outfits and fit the tennis girl aesthetic that I have dreamed of. All the tennis skirts I bought after seeing them on social media were put to good use afterward. Honestly, this class just made me want to buy more.

I’ve also always wanted to learn tennis, and I feel like when you get into adulthood, it’s a lot harder to pick up new hobbies. This gave me the perfect chance. I also really like taking classes that keep me active. With my course load and all the assignments that come with it, it can be hard to find times to work out and move around. Most of the time, I’m hunched over a desk working on assignments. Having a class built into my schedule that gets my blood pumping and offers some physical activity is super beneficial. 

drawing foundations – nonmajors (ART 1300C)

This is one of a few classes offered by the art department to non-majors, and it will really teach you the basics of shading and drawing. I think this is a great class for people who may have taken some art before college but haven’t had time to keep up with it. It’s also introductory for complete beginners who want to get started and embrace their artsy side.

This class is really fun and lets you get creative. With the portfolios, you get to see yourself grow as an artist and watch your progress from beginning to end. There are a lot of excellent foundational skills to be learned here, but if you’re more comfortable with art, there are also many opportunities to work ahead. Taking this class also gives you access to working in the art room, so you can come in at any time to work on your own and create masterpieces with all the materials available to you.

College is the perfect time to explore different interests you may have, and FSU has many class options for you to do just that. Don’t be afraid to try something new; you might just discover a hidden talent!

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Simona Giverts is a staff writer for the Florida State University (FSU) Her Campus Team. As a staff writer, she writes articles every other week covering topics across campus, culture, and personal. Simona is currently majoring in Psychology with a minor in Criminology. She loves incorporating her educational background to better digest and dissect current pop culture news. When she isn't writing, you can find her watching old TV shows and movies, reading fantasy novels, or baking something sweet.