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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at FSU chapter.

With FSU acceptance letters and college commitment season coming up, I thought I’d curate a list of 10 must-haves for your Freshmen dorms. These are all things I consider absolute necessities as a college student that will make your dorm living situation as livable as possible.

Having a Brita is life-changing

It’s something that you will be using every day. My roommate and I have a smaller Brita that was $20. It is so useful and convenient when you’re rushing out the door for your eight am class. However, make sure you keep up with changing your water filters because after a couple of months, the water starts tasting like it came from the sink.

A Mattress Topper 

This is my number one recommendation. You will not get good sleep without a mattress topper. I bought a three-inch one at Walmart I’m telling you; you need one. The thicker the better, but it is a must. The beds they give you are not the most comfortable and the extra cushion just makes it feel like your bed at home. 

A Microwave

This is a basic item that you’ve probably already thought about but just consider this a reminder. You’ll want to split a microwave with your roommate because you won’t always want to eat at Suwannee or leave your dorm room. You’ll want some instant ramen or Kraft mac and cheese, and a microwave will come in handy for that.

A Good Water Bottle

I honestly did not bring any cups to school. I just brought two water bottles. They are easy to fill up and they’re pretty big so I don’t constantly have to refill them.


It gets cold in the dorms. Plus, if you’re OCD about your bed like me, you won’t want to lie on your already-made bed. I brought one blanket to have on my bed and an extra to put on my desk chair since the garnet wasn’t matching my décor. 

“Frat Shoes”

There will be times you’ll need some going-out shoes and it’ll be good if, at the beginning of the year, you have a designated pair of shoes to get dirty. I have some old Air Force Ones that I use, but all you need is an all-white shoe or a black boot.


Slippers seem obvious, but this is something I forgot originally. I use my slippers every day, to go throw out trash, get something from my car, etc. You will wear your slippers all the time. I got one pair for Christmas and another at Walmart. I also see a lot of girls wearing Uggs but any type is a necessity. 

A Full-Body Mirror

A mirror is an underappreciated item that you don’t notice you use but you do, every day. I bought mine from target for $10. Just make sure it has hooks so you can put it on the back of your closet door. 

Command Hooks

My dad pointed out the need for these. I have four around my room, two next to the sink where I keep a hand towel and the other one holds a dish towel. I also have two more holding my actual shower towels. 


This might seem obvious, but bringing decorations and posters is so important. The first few weeks of adjusting are so hard and having things around you that feel like home will help immensely. They’ll also make your room look cute. 

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Hi!!! I'm Sam, I'm a freshman at Florida State. I joined HerCampus to connect with people, make friends, and write interesting stuff. I'm from Tampa but my family is Venezuelan so naturally I love the beach and listening to Bad Bunny.