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Calm Down, You Are Still Being Productive!

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at FSU chapter.

As we get back into the swing of things here in Tallahassee, figure out our schedules, establish our routines, discover our paths to class, divide our time between homework and fun, at first it can seem overwhelming. 

We are coming off of a long summer. With that long summer comes comfort. We had several months to establish ourselves away from the hustle and bustle of a normal school year. COVID-19 got us especially away from that normal, with everything being online. Now we are back in action, in person, and trying to fit back into Florida State’s ‘normal.’ 

The buzz on campus is electrifying. There are so many people, so many things to see and experience. A once sparsely covered Landis Green is now the pathway of hundreds of students getting to their classes, a picnic destination, study spot, spike ball court and more. Florida State University (FSU) is MOVING and the excitement to be back isn’t stopping any time soon. 

The constant movement is the hard part, however. What makes establishing a routine and getting back into the groove of things so hard is how fast everything is already moving. We have grown up in a society highly valuing productivity. We always want what is quicker, more efficient, we are constantly finding the shortest way to get the best thing. 

What happens in this hustle is often a loss of control. So many things are happening, so quickly that we can lose track of our priorities.

I invite you to look at the word productivity. More often than not productivity is used to describe someone’s schoolwork, homework, their job, or career. For many of us it is a struggle and anxiety inducing when we are not being “productive.” 

Just as important as it is to do your best in school, to be a good employee, to get your homework done on time, it is important to take care of your life. There are also other ways and important ways to be productive. And this is something we often forget about!

Below are five ways in which you can be productive, even if you don’t realize it. 

Clean your room.

When assignments are piling up, the last thing you want is for your space to pileup. Personally, I cannot do homework in my room, but if you do, a clean space will help ease your mind as you accomplish your tasks. If you too are like me and don’t like doing homework in your room, still, once you’re done doing the things you need to get done you would want to come back to a room where you can relax take a deep breath and get good rest.

Do your laundry and put up your clothes. 

We all gotta stay clean. At one point or another you’re going to have to wash your clothes, and it’s much better to do so before you get to the clothes you haven’t worn in three years as your last resort. We wear clothes every day and putting on those clean warm sweatpants or your favorite shirt after you know they have been freshly washed is a great feeling. Taking the time to do a load or two is time being productive. You’re going to have to do it regardless, so give yourself credit for taking the time to keep your clothes fresh!

Make Your bed.

A simple task truly, but one that can change your day. No matter when you do it, future you getting into bed will thank you later. After a stressful or fast paced day, there is no better feeling than climbing into bed that is made and ready for you to sleep in it. It is good to keep in mind that being productive is also benefiting your future self. Making sure she is taken care of and loved. Say you’re welcome future me, now get a good night’s rest. 

get some groceries.

We have to eat … literally. Taking the time out of your day to figure out how you’re going to fuel yourself is productive. Taking action to purchase, put up and prepare that fuel is productive too. Taking care of yourself and your needs is not unproductive! Eat something! Drink some water. The best way for your mind to stay on top of things is to fuel yourself so your mind is capable of doing so.

take a shower.

Now I know we all do this, hopefully, but I feel as though sometimes showering is put off as something to do at the end. You will shower once your homework is done, once you’re done studying, etc. But sometimes when your mind gets overwhelmed it is nice to take the time for a nice hot shower. It is quite literally a time to cleanse both your brain and your body. You’re going to have to shower anyways, might as well take the time to enjoy it and truly take care of your body.

As the year goes on, and things like midterms and finals come up, stay on top of your work, but also stay on top of your health. It’s OK to take time to take care of your life. Don’t stress—it’s OK. You are still being productive I promise. 

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Emma Edy Morris is currently a dance major at Florida State University. She will also be receiving her dual degree in Editing, Writing, and Media, and a minor yet to be determined. Emma is a passionate and driven individual. Her artistic ability and creativity in both of her expressive outlets have helped create the woman she is today. She aspires to join both the professional dance world and world of journalism in pursuit of capturing ideas and moments, and cultivating them in a way they can be gifted to the audience.