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Brooke Winston: Delta Nu’s Leading Lady

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at FSU chapter.

Name: Brooke Winston

Year: Senior

Hometown: Palm Harbor, FL

Relationship Status: Single (but ready to mingle)

Major: Information Communication Technology

Her Campus (HC): What exactly is Delta Nu Zeta?

Courtesy: Carlos Crespo

Brooke Winston (BW):  DNZ is a local social and service sorority located in both Florida State University, as well as the University of Florida. The three pillars of DNZ are passion, sisterhood and charity, and we really dedicate ourselves to upholding these qualities. My personal favorite is the sisterhood. I have not only found my best friends through Delta Nu Zeta, but possibly my future bridesmaids.

HC: How did you first find out about DNZ?

BW: I was a first year on FSU’s campus, so I lived in the dorms. One day while waiting for the elevator, I noticed a bunch of flyers pinned to the board next to the elevator. I snapped a photo of the one that grabbed my attention – DNZ – and looked for their information table at the Involvement Fair that year so that I could talk to some sisters and see what they were all about.

HC: Why do you feel DNZ might be a better choice for some girls as opposed to the “usual” Panhellenic sorority?

BW: We’re very accepting, diverse and unique. We base our members 100% on personality, which gives them the opportunity to truly be themselves with us. Additionally, we’re very casual and low-key during our rush week, which helped me not only feel more comfortable when I was rushing, but helped a lot of the other girls who rushed as well.

HC: What made you decide that you wanted to run for President of DNZ?

BW: I had always been very dedicated to being involved in DNZ and had held positions ever since being originally initiated. My friends had been telling me for a while that I would make a great candidate for president. As time got closer, I became more and more excited. Eventually I was making a PowerPoint presentation, writing multiple drafts of speeches and giving these speeches to my friends and family for support. That’s when I knew I was serious about becoming President.

Courtesy: Carlos Crespo

HC: What are some of your plans as President to expand DNZ this year?

BW: This year, we actually took our social media postings to the next level. We required sisters to post on at least two groups on Facebook, and some sisters even posted on Instagram and Twitter as well. When we asked our rushees about how they found out about DNZ, a good half of them credited social media.

HC: Where do you hope to see DNZ five years from now?

BW: I would absolutely love for DNZ’s presence to not only grow on FSU’s campus, but also state wide. We are in the process of gathering interest for an FAU chapter, and it’s very possible we can have another DNZ, or even two, within five years.

Courtesy: Carlos Crespo

HC: How can someone who is interested in getting involved with DNZ do so?

BW: Every semester, we try to get our name out there as best as possible. In addition to social media, we chalk on the sidewalks, host two information nights, table on campus and offer information to anyone and everyone willing to listen. If anybody is interested in getting involved in DNZ, there are multiple pathways to get to us! Make sure to always check out our website, deltanuzeta.com, for plenty of updates.

Check out DNZ’s Facebook here for more information.

Vanessa is currently a sophomore at Florida State University who spends most of her time dreaming about becoming the sixth Kardashian sister. When she’s not day-dreaming about the Kardashians, you can probably find her at the local animal shelter helping the dogs and cats find their “furever” homes. Originally from Miami, Florida, Vanessa greatly enjoys listening to Lady Gaga, writing, and pretending she actually has a chance to see Hamilton on Broadway some day. To keep up with her daily shenanigans, make sure to follow her on Twitter: @VaneMarquezzz
Her Campus at Florida State University.