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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at FSU chapter.

I think it is safe to say that we all enjoy learning about individuals who are driven and passionate about life. Brittany Sachs is truly an individual who works hard to achieve her goals!

Name: Brittany Sachs

Hometown: Fort Myers, Florida

Year: Graduated in May 2014, but taking additional classes this semester!

Major: Marketing & Management

Her Campus (HC): Are you involved in any organizations on campus? If so, could you tell me a little about the organization?

Brittany Sachs (BS):  When I was in undergrad I was an active member of Alpha Phi and I now give back to the sorority by being a local advisor for one of the departments!

HC: If you had the chance to tell your 16 year old self something, what would that be and why?

BS: Take every opportunity given to you and make the most of every day! You’ll meet some great people in life doing things you never planned!

HC: What do you enjoy doing in your spare time?

BS: I enjoy exploring Tallahassee and the beaches in the panhandle! 

HC: Which music artist are you currently obsessed with and why?

BS: Sam Smith is my current obsession – what’s not to love?!

HC: What inspires you the most and why?

BS: My family inspires me each and every day! They are all so passionate and have such determination that I am inspired to make a difference and always strive to do better.

HC: What is something most people will find shocking to know about you?

BS: Most of my friends know this, but I have an identical twin sister who went to UF for undergrad!

HC: What is an ultimate short term goal for you?

BS: Before the end of the year I want to run a marathon in a city I’ve never been to! 

Recent college graduate from Florida State University who decided to take my ambition to Atlanta!!
Her Campus at Florida State University.