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The 4 Best Thanksgiving TV Episodes to Watch Over Break

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at FSU chapter.

Why are there so many Thanksgiving episodes on television? And why are they typically better than all other holiday special episodes? USA Today suggests that this can be attributed to “writers [being] forced to focus on the characters rather than decking the halls,” and for the most part, I agree. The most memorable Thanksgiving episodes are when it’s just the characters (and occasional guest stars) sharing a meal or doing a group activity. I personally am an all-time Thanksgiving fan, and I always appreciate watching Thanksgiving special episodes when the season rolls around. But which are my personal favorites? Here are the four most iconic Thanksgiving episodes of all time in my opinion. 


Season 3 Episode 9: “The One with the Football” 

I cannot write this article without mentioning Friends. Vulture claims the show has “the best and the most” Thanksgiving episodes. For nine out of the ten seasons, there is a Thanksgiving episode. Obviously, it was hard to narrow down the best one, but I believe this was the right decision. This is one of the most referenced episodes in all of Friends history, and I don’t know anyone who doesn’t consider this episode iconic. We get to see the characters outside of the coffee shop and apartment. Plus, we watch them play a low-stakes but entertaining game of football. Easily the best. 

New Girl

Season 1, Episode 6, “Thanksgiving” 

New Girl is yet another show that includes many Thanksgiving episodes. I don’t think you could go wrong with any Thanksgiving special from this show, but I ultimately had to come to a decision. This one is my favorite because it is the most endearing of the bunch. With this episode being in the first season, we finally see Jess become a part of the family with her new roommates while being in her first relationship of the series. Additionally, this is her first time hosting Thanksgiving, and it is a pretty funny episode considering how messy it gets. 

Gilmore Girls

Season 3, Episode 9, “A Deep-Fried Korean Thanksgiving” 

Gilmore Girls is my favorite show of all time and is the epitome of all things fall-related. Weirdly enough, however, this is the only official Thanksgiving episode. You could watch this show for all of November up until Thanksgiving and then watch this one. This is a perfect Thanksgiving episode because it involves the Gilmore girls going to multiple different characters’ Thanksgivings in one day. It’s lovely to see everyone together for at least one episode. Super cute and cozy! 

Gossip Girl

Season 3, Episode 11, “The Treasure of Serena Madre” 

Unlike the rest of the shows on this list, this show’s Thanksgiving episodes involve the most high-stakes family reunions. They are probably the messiest and most dramatic holiday special episodes you will watch. But that’s what makes it so fun. Every Gossip Girl fan knows about the iconic “Whatcha Say” scene during Thanksgiving dinner, which perfectly encapsulates the melodrama of this episode. While it’s is a little hard to watch without any prior investment into the series, I think you could actually have a lot of fun jumping in head-first with no knowledge. But that’s just my opinion. 

Are there any great Thanksgiving episodes you think I missed? Let me know! 

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A first year majoring in Editing, Writing and Media. Lover of books and all things Taylor Swift :)