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Andrea Pittell: Giving a Little (Project) Sunshine to Those in Need

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at FSU chapter.

Name: Andrea Pittell

Year: Junior

Major: Social Work

Hometown: Boca Raton, FL

Courtesy: Andrea Pittell

Her Campus (HC): Now that we’re just coming off of Thanksgiving break, how was it? Did you do anything fun?

Andrea Pittell (AP): It was great! I ran my first Turkey Trot 5k and it was so much fun! I’ll definitely make it a yearly thing. Besides that, I shopped, spent a lot of time with my family, and got spoiled with a lot of great food.

HC: I’m glad to hear it! What’s your major?

AP: Social Work.

HC: Are you a member of anything on campus that involves social work?

AP: I am! I’m a co-founder of the club Project Sunshine.

HC: What is Project Sunshine?

AP: Project Sunshine is a nonprofit organization that benefits children and the families of those children who are battling an illness. Basically, it provides educational, recreational and social programs to children and families living with medical issues. These can include making sunny grams (encouraging cards), “surgi” dolls (dolls the children can decorate before surgeries), and gift baskets to send off to an affiliated hospital. We also do direct services where we get the opportunity to go to the hospital and interact with the children and their families. We can then do some kind of craft or activity with them. It’s really nice to be that hands-on and see where all of our hard work is going.

Courtesy: Crowd Rise

HC: If anyone is interested, how could they get involved?

AP: They can fill out a volunteer form online and send a request on Nole Central or they can e-mail me at alp13e@my.fsu.edu.

HC: How did you get started with Project Sunshine?

AP: My friend Caitlin Melnyk, the co-president, actually came across it online one day so it’s all thanks to her!

HC: What’s your favorite part about working in this club?

AP: You really feel good about what you’re doing; not only do you get to cheer up some kids who need it, but you enjoy yourself while you’re doing it.

Her Campus at Florida State University.