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7 Reasons Why Chrissy Teigen Is the Best Life Coach

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at FSU chapter.

Supermodel. Supermom. Super-Wife. There is no doubt that Chrissy Teigen has it all but keeps it real 100% of the time. From her candid tweets, to her opening up about her struggles with Postpartum Depression, Chrissy Teigen is the best (free) life coach we could ever have. Here’s a rundown of some of her best moments to live by:

1. When she taught us to never give up on love.

Only if it’s real and right, which it is with John Legend. That is exactly why when he tried to break up with her in the early years of their relationship she literally told him, “no.” After this story broke, she clarified that John was on tour and that she wasn’t going to let the stress of a tour come between the two of them. Look where they are now.

Courtesy: Glamour

2. When she became a mom, but still kept things fabulous.

“Just spray tanned around my breast pump outline. The logistical challenges of a healthy beach glow while boobing are incredible.”

Courtesy: People

3. When she spoke out about her Postpartum Depression.

If you look through any of Teigen’s social media, you will get a huge dose of her adorable one and a half year old daughter, Luna. For a while, what we didn’t see behind the happy photos on her Instagram was the struggle she was facing with Postpartum Depression, which affects approximately one in nine women.

In an article she wrote herself for Glamour Magazine, Teigen opens up on her postpartum journey, something remarkably brave of her to do when knowing that she could be highly scrutinized from it. Teigen was hesitant to share her story with the world because she recognized the privilege she has to help herself overcome the condition that not a lot of women affected by it actually do.

She explained why she felt the need to let the world in her situation by saying, “I want people to know it can happen to anybody and I don’t want people who have it to feel embarrassed or to feel alone.” #girlpower

Courtesy: Glamour

4. When she reminded us to not take life too seriously and trolled her own husband on social media.

Remember that time she told Grammy award-winning husband that he looked like Arthur, who is just to clarify an aardvark cartoon…? Yep, she did that. Chrissy joined in on the fun when a Twitter user prompted the social media world to weigh in on the comparison between the two.

Courtesy: DailyMail UK

5.  When she released a best-selling cookbook.

Why wouldn’t it reach number one when the book includes recipes for fried chicken wings with honey butter and breaded mac and cheese? Ordering mine now.

Courtesy: Amazon

6. The countless times she has clap-backed.

If there is one thing for certain, Chrissy Teigen does not let Twitter trolls off the hook; especially when one tried telling her that being blocked by Donald Trump was the peak moment of her life.

Courtesy: Buzzfeed

7. And of course, when she is all of us when it comes to food.

While none of us share the swanky lifestyle Teigen lives, we can at least relate to her love of food.

Courtesy: Twitter

Thanks, Chrissy. You keep being you, boo.

Her Campus at Florida State University.