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The 7 Essentials for a College Student’s Pantry

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at FSU chapter.

After a long, exhausting day of classes and meetings, it can be quite the challenge to create a meal worth eating with only Nutella and ketchup in your pantry.

We realize that cooking, and let alone grocery shopping, can be a daunting experience. If you’ve ever been grocery shopping on an empty stomach, it is likely that your money was spent on the most eye-pleasing and high calorie products. Double chocolate-chip muffins anyone?

Stocking up on the right ingredients will allow you more flexibility in your cooking when you have little time and are on a strict budget.

Please note that not every item on this list is technically a “pantry” item. There are essentials that are not considered dried goods, such as eggs, but are nonetheless practical, cheap, and nutritious.

Here we go!

1. Spices:
These little powder-filled bottles are the quickest and most economical way to add flavor to your food…and surprisingly, these are the items that most college students lack in their pantry. Here are a few of my favorite spices: garlic powder, Cayenne pepper (for spicy lovers, sprinkle on top of pizza or toasted bread with olive oil), Basil (perfect for pasta dishes or meat sauces), and Cinnamon (adds sweetness and warmth to pancakes or oatmeal).

2. Olive Oil:
This is a versatile ingredient which you will use frequently. Not only does it have great health benefits – linked to reducing risks of cancer and lowering bad cholesterol – but it also provides a wonderful flavor to any meal. It can be used as salad dressing and dip for bread, or as a medium to roast vegetables and cook pasta.

3. Frozen veggies:

The majority of the time, buying fresh vegetables means that half of them are going to end up in the trash. It is difficult to use them up in time before they start going bad in your fridge. This is why it’s a smart idea to purchase frozen veggies instead. Not only will they outlive the fresh alternative, but they are also more economical. 


4. Pasta:

Buy these in bulk and stock them up for the whole semester! These essential carbs allow for creativity as you can mix them with almost any protein, sauces, or veggies. For an extra health boost, choose the whole grain option.

5. Canned Tomatoes:

Having diced tomato on hand can serve as an enhancer to any pasta dish. This inexpensive item can also turn any leftover in your fridge into a flavorful and juicy meal. Having the option to choose between diced, crushed, and tomato paste expands the variety of recipes you can create. From lasagna to tomato soup, these iron and fiber-filled cans are a great staple for any college student.

6. Canned Beans:

Here’s to another non-perishable item with multiple uses! Create a tasty cheese burrito in seconds with this is your pantry. This protein-filled item can also be used for chili, stews, and in salads!

7. Eggs:

E is for essential…and for eggs. They are an important source of protein and healthy fats which will make you feel full throughout the day. Place them on top of a bagel, scramble them, mix them into a salad, or use them in your favorite cake recipe! For more creative ways to use eggs in your kitchen, check out this link: http://www.buzzfeed.com/arielknutson/egg-recipes-delicious-ways-to-eat-eggs-for-dinner


Maria Losada is a senior at Florida State University pursuing a double major in International Affairs and Editing, Writing and Media. She is driven by her passion for writing and seeks to inspire others through it.  She loves learning about different cultures, languages, and especially enjoys tasting international cuisines!  On her down time you can catch her dancing salsa, reading articles from Her Campus FSU, or daydreaming about her next travel destination. She hopes to live in Washington D.C.  and work for an international development agency."Little by little, one travels far."