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7 Candles You Need to Buy This Fall

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at FSU chapter.

The best part of the changing of the seasons are all the delicious smells that come with it. I love it when companies start releasing their Fall candles. There is nothing more relaxing than studying with a nice smelling candle nearby to relieve you of the looming stress of midterms slowly approaching. Here, I compiled a list of 7 of my favorite candles for the fall that will hopefully put you in the cozy autumn mood.


1. Warm Luxe Cashmere From Yankee Candle

Courtesy: Yankee Candle


Warm Luxe Cashmere is one of the new scents Yankee Candle brought out this year and it definitely hasn’t disappointed. The great thing about it is that even though it might not necessarily scream Fall, it still has that creamy vanilla, musky scent that puts you in a relaxing mood.


2. Pumpkin Pecan Waffles From Bath and Body Works

Courtesy: Bath and Body Works


This candle is a fan favorite for all pumpkin and breakfast lovers alike, and how could it not be? It’s the perfect blend of sweet and spicy. With a mix of maple syrup, pumpkin and brown sugar, it is almost good enough to eat!


3. Capri Blue in Pumpkin From Anthropologie

Courtesy: Anthropologie


This is the type of candle for when you are feeling especially bougie. It won’t only smell good, but it also will look great on your coffee table or desk as well. The Capri Blue isn’t your ordinary pumpkin candle either, with being one of Anthropologie’s top-rated products, it also has a twist of orange that makes it stand out from the rest of the pumpkin scented candles you might find elsewhere. It’s the perfect candle to #TreatYourself with.


4. Autumn Leaves From Yankee Candle

Courtesy: Yankee Candle


Autumn Leaves is a Yankee Candle fall staple. I recommend this candle for those who might not necessarily love the cinnamon or clove scents that are found in a lot of fall candles. It has notes of maple, pomegranate and juniper berry, so it’s fruitier than it is spicy. This candle really captures the smell that comes with the changing of the leaves up north.


5. Flannel From Bath and Body Works

Courtesy: Bath and Body Works


Not all fall candles have to be pumpkin, maple or vanilla, if you love earthy smells, then this is the candle for you. Flannel has a mix of orange and patchouli essential oils that creates a warm atmosphere. This is the perfect candle to light when you are reading a book or catching up on your favorite Netflix series.


6. Apple Pumpkin From Yankee Candle

Courtesy: Yankee Candle 


If you love apple pie, then this is the perfect candle for you. With the blend of tart apple and warm pumpkin, plus base notes like nutmeg, ginger, and cinnamon, you’ll be transported to your grandma’s kitchen on Thanksgiving. Warning: May cause hunger.


7. Heritage Pumpkin From Target

Courtesy: Target


Last, but not least is the Heritage Pumpkin candle from Target. To me, this is the quintessential pumpkin candle. Smelling just like your favorite PSL, this inexpensive candle has all those ingredients you are looking for when you want to turn your apartment into the perfect fall wonderland.

Gaby is an FSU alumna who majored in Creative Writing and minored in Communications and Psychology. She also enjoys iced coffee, rose-scented candles, and short stories.
Felicity was previously the Style Editor for Her Campus Media. Felicity graduated in May of 2018 from Florida State University with a double major in Editing, Writing, & Media and Media/Communication Studies. Before joining the team full-time, Felicity was a staff writer, content editor, the managing editor, and the campus correspondent throughout her four years at the FSU chapter. She has interned with Better Homes & Gardens, Sarasota Magazine, and Sachs Media Group during her college career. In her spare time, Felicity likes to explore new coffee shops, go to any local concert, or hunt for new finds at her favorite thrift stores. Felicity was previously the Style Editor for Her Campus Media. Felicity graduated in May of 2018 from Florida State University with a double major in Editing, Writing, & Media and Media/Communication Studies. Before joining the team full-time, Felicity was a staff writer, content editor, the managing editor, and the campus correspondent throughout her four years at the FSU chapter. She has interned with Better Homes & Gardens, Sarasota Magazine, and Sachs Media Group during her college career. In her spare time, Felicity likes to explore new coffee shops, go to any local concert, or hunt for new finds at her favorite thrift stores.