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5 Things To Do When You’re Single on Valentine’s Day

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at FSU chapter.

Unless you are one of those super confident girls that is way too busy to even think about having a boyfriend, we all know it sucks to be single on Valentine’s Day.  Why does there have to be an entire day every year that puts a spotlight on the fact that you don’t have a boyfriend? Sometimes we feel like we might as well be standing on a stage in front of a huge crowd shouting, “I AM ALONE!” or better yet wearing a neon sign around neck advertizing us as available. But the good thing is, Valentine’s Day doesn’t always have to be about couples. Valentine’s should be about all kinds of love not just romantic love, so use this day as a way to show all the people in your life that you care.  Here are 5 things to do to have fun and keep yourself occupied on a day that, to a single girl, normally feels pretty lonely.

1.       Have a wine night with your single gals.
Invite your single friends over to drink wine, eat chocolate and chat. We all know nothing feels better than gossiping with your gals while guiltlessly giving in to your sweet tooth.  Spending quality time with the important people in your life will help you realize that you don’t need a man.

2.       Plan to try something new.
Doing something new is a great way to keep your mind off the fact that you’re single.
·         You could be active and take a yoga class. Exercising releases endorphins and makes you feel    better about yourself and about life.
·         You could also cook yourself a new meal. Go to the grocery store and collect all the ingredients. Then go home and spend time preparing it for yourself. It will feel good to treat yourself to something nice, and a full belly always helps cure loneliness.
·         Read a book you have been meaning to read. Curling up in your bed and reading a book under the light of your lamp is such a cozy feeling. Reading also puts you in another world and will distract you from the day. But steer clear of romance novels or you may end up just crying in bed.

3.       Have a scary movie marathon.
You could invite your single friends over or do this one on your own. Nothing will keep your mind off romance more than a scary movie. You could do a Saw marathon or try Paranormal Activity 2.

4.       Treat yourself, have a spa day.
Treat yourself to a nice massage. A good massage is one of the best feelings in the world and what better day to spend at a spa than Valentine’s Day? You always feel better walking around with a fresh mani and pedi and a good massage will help you to feel more relaxed and okay with being single.

5.       Go out to a bar with your single friends.
Get all prettied up and go out with your single friends. Love is in the air on this day and it could be a great way to meet a nice single guy so you don’t have to spend next V-day re-reading these same tips.
Valentine’s Day can definitely be hard as a single girl but doing some of these things can keep your mind off being lonely and help you to feel better and more confident about being the beautiful single lady that you are.


Viviana Victoria is a sophomore at the Florida State University, class of 2013, double majoring in Retail Merchandising & Product Development and the new English track offered at FSU, editing, writing, and media. Born and raised in West Palm Beach, Florida, moving up to Tallahassee was quite a change. During her first year in college, after changing her major three times, she was fortunate enough to discover her passion for writing this early on. Her goal is to write for a major fashion magazine or to be a screenplay writer in the future. She is an active member of the Collegiate Merchandising Association (CMA) at FSU, as well as a contributing writer of College Magazine, an advice publication for college students founded by a graduate student of Maryland. Some of her interests include playing sports, reading, working out, and basically having a good time. Her ultimate life goal is to touch lives and to be remembered as the girl who always made people smile regardless of what was thrown her way.