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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at FSU chapter.

My first year in college was daunting. I moved about 480 miles away from my hometown and did not expect to know anyone. I am used to getting to know small groups of people easily enough, but I tend to be anxious and hide away when I’m overwhelmed. There was a lot I did to enjoy my time. I called my family and my boyfriend, read books, embroidered, and watched a lot of movies. But I wish I did more. There are so many fun things to do at FSU, and I should’ve taken advantage of them.

Landis Green is Awesome

At the heart of the campus, the green in front of Landis Hall is a place where many people go to relax, get some fresh air, and hang out with friends. To me, it reveals the soul of FSU. There are dogs, people playing games, picnics, and more. I wish I created more memories on the Green. My issue was that I thought it would be weird to sit there by myself but in all honesty, who cares! Loads of people do it, but I was insecure for no reason. Looking back, I really should have gone out there more. That is why next year, I am making it a goal of mine to spend more time on Landis Green. Whether I am alone or with friends, I plan to enjoy myself. I’ll be on my flamingo mat sunbathing, people-watching, or doing something else I enjoy.

Focus at Strozier

I get distracted very easily and I also realized that doing work in my dorm room was a terrible idea. It gets me sidetracked and makes me feel cramped in a dull room. I was once told that if you work in your room, it will make you hate it. From my year of experience doing that now, I believe that it’s true. So in comes my hero: Strozier Library. I have only really utilized Strozier a few times this year, but my experience working there was always great. There are floors designated for quiet study so you can focus. There are also computers and printers available for anyone who may need them. Every time I have gone to work at Strozier, I have finished tasks twice as fast. Heading off to finish work there will definitely be a frequent occurrence for me next year. However, I will also mix up my locations so I don’t get tired of this great resource!

Set Time Aside for Wellness

A lot of my time this year was spent being overwhelmed with everything that was new to me. I stayed in my dorm most days. This affected my mood and isolated me. To combat this, I found exercising at the Leach really helped. It got my endorphins flowing and made me feel good about myself and my body. After noticing just how much taking wellness steps made me feel, I’m excited to set the goal to do more of it next year. Healthy living practices are really important in all aspects of your life. For this reason, I will be setting a schedule for my self-care time next year.

Put Myself Out There During the First Week

The first week of classes can be so exciting and fun. As someone who has trouble putting myself out there, it was also stressful wondering if I would make friends with anyone in class or not. What I have found is that if you don’t reach out early, it will be harder later. The first week is when everyone is looking for classroom comfort in the form of a friend. It is the optimum time to find your people. It tends to be harder to meet people when you know they already found others to group up with. However, that doesn’t mean you can’t make friends after the first week. I’ve made it my goal to get out of my comfort zone and attempt to speak to more people during the first week of class. I believe that it will make things easier next year when socializing.

Being a student at Florida State University is amazing, but not everyone has it down pat right away. There will always be ways to make an experience better. Always look for ways to enjoy your time in college. You don’t have to take massive steps to be happy, small ones work just as well. Use the end of the school year as a way to reflect on your time so far and reorient yourself for next year!

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Anastasia Haro is a freshman at Florida State University. If not writing, you can find her watching a movie, taking a walk, or petting the campus cats.