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How Working Since Age 16 Has Impacted My Life

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at FSU chapter.

Disclaimer: I have lived a very privileged life. My parents financially support me 100 percent. The only reason I have ever gotten a job was to make extra money to spend on unnecessary things. I am aware of my privilege and admire the teenagers who have had to work to support themselves and/or their families. 

I would say working since I was 16 has changed my life because it has helped me learn the value of money, increased my productivity and taught me responsibility.

Growing up spending my parents’ money didn’t make me feel a thing except for happiness once I got what I purchased. I would buy food or clothes from PacSun without thinking twice about where that 20 dollars came from. Having worked a minimum wage job and getting paid $7.84 an hour made me think twice before swiping. Once I had gotten my first job, my parents wanted me to use my own money when I wanted fast food or went with my friends to the movies or the mall. Knowing I had to work two hours to buy a movie ticket and two more to get popcorn really put things into perspective.

Money doesn’t grow on trees. Having to earn it yourself will show you the value of the work you put in. Money has meaning and rewards hard work. It should be spent in a way that is responsible and thoroughly thought about. If I hadn’t started out working a minimum wage job, I don’t think I would’ve understood just how much money means and the value it has aside from its capitalistic usage. 

Having a job throughout high school definitely helped me remain focused and increased my productivity. When you have a certain work schedule that comes out every Sunday, it is very easy to plan your days around it. I would have school Monday-Friday and work on Fridays and Sundays, which made me extremely productive on Saturdays because that was the time I had available. Having a job made me work around my schedule to find time for the other stuff I prioritized like schoolwork. 

Last semester I didn’t have a job and I felt like my schedule was disorganized. I didn’t have anything to schedule my schoolwork time around, which gave me way too much free time. Responsibility and respect are things I think most people learn with time and I’ve learned these qualities through my jobs. Being on time and showing up shows respect to your boss and coworkers. Additionally, holding yourself accountable for your schedule proves you are responsible. Showing up to my classes in college has also been easier because I’m used to showing up despite not wanting to go. 

Aside from learning numerous things from working multiple jobs, the jobs have also allowed me to start a savings account which help me pay for college this year. No matter how financially secure you are, I would always recommend getting a job because the lessons you learn are some that you can’t learn anywhere else. If you are looking for a job near campus, I’d recommend “Jobs near FSU” on Indeed.

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Hi!!! I'm Sam, I'm a freshman at Florida State. I joined HerCampus to connect with people, make friends, and write interesting stuff. I'm from Tampa but my family is Venezuelan so naturally I love the beach and listening to Bad Bunny.