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11 Fashion Hacks for the Collegiette Woman

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at FSU chapter.

As a college woman, I know every day is a struggle to dress for school. If there was any hope of us being our fashionable, fabulous selves in class, it slowly dwindles after spring break. It’s just such a struggle to be the most fabulous you every. single. day. I get it. Some days I don’t even look at my overstuffed trendy closet (Note to self: I really should utilize that more), and I go straight to the workout clothes. Well for those of us who haven’t given up hope yet, and for those of us that haven’t resorted to the “norts” and a t-shirt on the daily, these are for you. The best fashion hacks around.

1.  Did you know that you should organize your closet from light to dark, left to right in your closet? Your eye and brain together are programed to follow the color, and this actually will help you stay organized.

2.  It’s spring break season, so this one is for all my beach bums. Never put your bathing suits in the dryer. Why? Every time you do this, the suit is damaged and it loses its elasticity.

3.  Deodorant stains? No worries. Simply rub the deodorant mark with the same garment the deodorant is on. One quick rub and you’re good to go. 

4.  If you’re anything like me, you’ve spilt food or a drink on yourself once or twice (it’s the beauty of not being the most graceful human being on the planet). Next time this happens, remember to blot, not rub, the stain. Rubbing it actually makes the stain more noticeable.

5.  Use hairspray to remove lipstick stains. No joke.

6.  Your everyday bras really only have a life of three months to half a year, tops. I know this one sounds like a pain, but past their expiration date these undergarments lose their elasticity and support, and sometimes can cause your back some problems.

7.  Too short? Wear V-neck T’s and sweaters instead of scoop neck, and your torso will appear immediately longer.

8.  White wine really does remove red wine stains.

9.  Shopping for a new pair of jeans but having trouble picking a size? Always go with the smaller size because this item of clothing almost always stretches out after each wear.

10.  Did you know you can use shaving cream to remove foundation from shirt colors between washes?

11.  Last but not least, I come to you with arms up in the air surrendering because I never wanted to give into this “myth,” but I assure you, it is a myth no more. A silk pillowcase can actually do wonders for your skin and hair. It keeps your hair from breaking at night and also helps your skin feel softer.

Bonus tip: Ladies, I think it’s time for a little spring-cleaning. So, I have a proposition for all of you. Go to your closets and take out the items one by one. As you do so, look at each item. Ask yourself, “If I was in a store right now, would I buy this?” If your answer is no, toss it or donate it. OR if you go to FSU, utilize the NOLE girls clothing sale group on Facebook. (Yes, that actually exists!)

Hannah is a southern girl from the sunshine state who keeps J.Crew and Ralph Lauren in business with her shopping habits, and likes to spend her summers strolling through Central Park. She's an Editing, Writing, and Media Major with a minor in International Affairs. When she's not writing and editing for Her Campus, she is working at other publications on campus and holding a position in her sorority, Delta Delta Delta. She binge watches One Tree Hill and Gossip Girl like it is her job, and considers peanut butter a food group. Hannah is going to change the world someday, she just doesn't know how yet. Follow her on twitter @hannahbeery for some tweets you won't be able to get enough of. 
Her Campus at Florida State University.