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10 Tips for Freshmen (From a Sophomore Who Made Every Mistake)

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at FSU chapter.

Well, you did it. You survived your first semester and you are back to do it all over again. First, I would like to say congratulations and second, hold on because there is so much more to come. The first semester of college is a total blur of late nights spent realizing that you don’t actually know how to study, trying to find a seat in Strozier, and learning to live in close quarters with a stranger who just might have become your best friend (or more likely communicates with you through post it notes… was that just mine?). You’ve weathered the storm and are now a wise, second semester freshman who kind of knows where things on campus are, learning not to wear those cute but painful shoes for the long trek to class. My dad always used to say, “Learn from other people’s mistakes. Life is too short to make all of your own.” So with that in mind, I thought back to spring semester of my freshman year and came up with 10 tips that will hopefully save you ladies a lot of trouble.

1. Spring semester has a different feel to it than fall. You are more settled in and are no longer in a constant state of flux, and by flux I mean panic. There is more time to learn who you are as an individual, so take some more me-time and figure out where you want your college experience to take you.

2. Friendship is not a numbers game. FSU is a large school and it’s easy to feel very small, so find your niche. You don’t need to have things all figured out yet, but the best thing you can do for yourself is take a step back and think about who you know will be there for you whenever you need them. It’s not about having tons of friends. If you have one true friend, you are better off than most.

3. If at all possible, do not make any serious commitments just yet. Things are still very new and it’s important to remember that who you are and who you will be are very different. So do yourself a favor and try to stay out of serious relationships, avoid spur of the moment tattoos, and really sit down and think if the pixie cut is right for you.

4. GO TO CLASS. Even if it’s just Baby Bio, go to class. When you skip class more often than not it loses it’s mental presence in your to-do list. Even if you don’t take brilliant notes every class or participate in lecture questions, the simple act of being there keeps the information fresh in your mind and helps you organize your time and stay on top of assignments and study schedules.

5. Speaking of to-do lists, keep a planner and never assume you will remember anything without writing it down. Plus, there’s something very satisfying about crossing off something after you do it.

6. You really are what you eat, so do your mind and body a favor and eat well. I know it can be hard to find good food in Suwanee, but believe it or not, healthy options exist. Even a few healthy dorm snacks can go a long way. While we’re on the subject, I will go ahead and say it: eat breakfast! It really does jump-start your brain and metabolism. A quick bowl of oatmeal or some apples and almond butter is a great way to begin your day.

7. Communicate with professors often. Your professors are here to help you and are more than willing to if you make the effort. Professors think of students in two categories: those who care and those who do not. Make sure you put yourself in the former. An email goes a long way, especially when the end of the semester rolls around and you have an 89.4 percent in the class.

8. Choose where you live wisely. Most students move out of the dorms their sophomore year which means signing a lease in the spring of their freshman year. Do your research, talk to older students about where they live, and above all, do not live with that fun friend you like to go to Pots with. As much fun as that sounds, you don’t want it in your living room all the time. So choose who you live with and where you live very carefully.

9. You will get overwhelmed, you will forget to do assignments, quizzes, papers, etc., and you will very likely have a pre-quarter life crisis. And you know what? That is completely fine. You are here to learn and part of learning is failing. So if nothing else, try to fail with grace and don’t make all your own mistakes.

10. Finally, to quote John Cage, “Find a place you trust and try trusting it for awhile.” I don’t mean your dorm. Go out onto campus or into the community and find a place that makes you feel safe and comfortable. Maybe it’s a club you are passionate about, a coffee shop you like to hide out for the day with your phone on do not disturb and a great book, or even just a place outside where you feel a little less stressed and a little more like the confident collegiette you are.

Third year Editing/Writing/Media & International Affairs Major.FSU Campus Correspondent Reader, Runner, Coffee lover."Everyones life ends the same way. It is only the details of how one lived and how one died that distinguish one man from another." ~Hemingway 
Her Campus at Florida State University.