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10 Steps For Binge Watching ‘Gilmore Girls’ Before the Revival

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at FSU chapter.

Courtesy: CinemaBlend


Whether you are a dedicated fan who has been watching Gilmore Girls since it originally aired on The WB (can you say throwback?) in 2000, or you are absolutely clueless to the charm that is Stars Hollow and its witty residents, this beloved drama is the only show that you should be binge watching on Netflix right now. The long awaited revival, Gilmore Girls: A Year in the Life, is quickly approaching, and there is no better way to prepare than by watching, or possibly re-watching, all seven seasons. While the average person may watch the entire series in ten weeks or so, there is nothing stopping you from doing it in three. Yes, any sane person with a life may judge you or call you crazy, but don’t forget that Rory and Lorelai choose their television over going out all of the time, so there is really no need to feel bad. Binge watching is actually in the true Gilmore Girls spirit. Watching 153 episodes in just a few short weeks may seem impossible, but if you follow these 10 steps, we know that it can be done.

1. Trade in your fancy outfits and heels for sweatpants and slippers

There’s no time to waste on nights out when you have 153 episodes to watch before November 25. You may have nights where you question what in the world you are doing with your life and maybe you’ll experience serious FOMO when you check out what your friends are doing on Snapchat, but imagine how accomplished you will feel once you successfully complete such a difficult task. So pack away those painful heels, grab your most comfortable sweatpants and head for the couch because there is really no time to waste.

2. Stick to take-out

Pizza, Chinese food, whatever your heart desires, just make sure it doesn’t require moving more than the short distance from your door to the couch. In true Rory and Lorelai fashion, there’s no time for fancy restaurants or home cooked meals when you can simply sort through your mile-high stack of take out menus. Of course, the only Gilmore Girls approved excuse for leaving the house is if you need more coffee, but fortunately, step three has got you covered.

Courtesy: Gilmore News


3. Stock up on coffee

Not only will you crave it like crazy, but you will also need it in order to stay awake during those frequent, late night binge sessions. Day in and day out, you may be wishing you could walk down the street to Luke’s Diner where he would hand you a cup for free but unfortunately, you are going to have to settle for the next best thing, preferably something convenient so you don’t lose precious Gilmore Girls time.

4. Grab your bestie

Whether it’s your mom or your roommate, Rory and Lorelai would never watch TV alone and that means neither should you. Not to mention that Rory and Lane are basically the ultimate BFF goals, and we should all strive to have friendship like them. Who cares if your best friend would rather do anything else than watch Gilmore Girls? If they truly love you, they will make this important sacrifice. Plus, chances are by episode three they will be hooked and begging you to play more.

5. Channel your inner Paris

For those of you have never watched Gilmore Girls, this means that you need to be on your game at all times. There’s no time for slacking when there is important work to be done. While the outcome of your hard work and dedication may not be acceptance into an Ivy League college, by the end of the series, you should have learned some life lessons and come to the realization that you need to work on your witty banter. 

6. Master the art of multitasking

While a single glance at your to-do list makes you cringe, there’s no reason why you can’t multitask. True dedication to binge watching all seven seasons requires time, meaning that you either need to ditch the responsibilities until you are done (which is clearly the ideal option) or scratch items off your list while watching Gilmore Girls at the same time (crazy, I know). Don’t feel bad though, because Rory would appreciate a good study session and lucky for you, this is not Game of Thrones, meaning you won’t miss an entire story line if you look away for five minutes.

7. Take a break and call your mom

Rory and Lorelai are the ultimate mother-daughter goals. They take the idea of your mother as your best friend to a whole new level and, chances are, you will envy them and then proceed to miss your own mom. Take a break from the binge, it’s okay. Call your mom and tell her how much you love her and how grateful you are for her and you, too, could be like Rory and Lorelai.


Courtesy: Your Tango

8. Only skip episodes if absolutely necessary

153 can be a daunting number and at times you may feel overwhelmed. You’re thinking that there is no way you can finish before the revival is available and skipping a few episodes won’t hurt anyone. If you are a Gilmore Girls veteran than we may be able to let it slide, but if you are a newbie, try and avoid skipping episodes. You never know when you might miss Kirk’s new job or Lorelai’s best one-liner.

9. Re-evaluate your own relationships

If you are dating a Dean, then you may need to rethink your taste in boys. If you are dating a Jess, you are clearly into the bad boy type so tread carefully. And if you are dating a Logan, then hold on to your man because you are definitely relationship goals and we all envy you. Of course, this is all up to your own interpretation, and you will have to watch all seven seasons to form your own opinions (but, Team Logan). 

10. Check out all of the revival previews

You have finished all seven seasons and are now unsure of what to do with yourself until you realize that there is a light at the end of the tunnel in the form of the Netflix revival. Prepare for all of the feels as you scour YouTube for every featurette, cast interview, or sneak peek that you can get your hands on while you wait for November 25th to arrive. To fuel your obsession, check out the official trailer for Gilmore Girls: A Year in the Life here.

Her Campus at Florida State University.