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10 Expectations That Weren’t Met During Our 4 Years at Florida State

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at FSU chapter.

*Her Campus FSU does not promote illegal behavior and encourages all students to make smart, healthy decisions. This article does not represent the views of Her Campus FSU.

Well, the time has arrived. One last month at Florida State! Crazy, isn’t it? It was just yesterday when you found yourself becoming best friends with that girl from Coral Springs that sat next to you during freshman orientation. It was just four years ago that you almost kissed that boy on your first night out during Summer C at Landis Fountain. In just one month you will be saying goodbye to what everyone told you would be the best four years of your life. But we all know that this expectation of college was broken as soon as we found ourselves dropping out of business calc and realizing that college is not one big I’m Shmacked party. So we cried, got drunk, laughed, did things we regret and broke several expectations because though these were the Golden Years they were also the hardest. Here’s 10 Expectations that weren’t met our four years at Florida State:

1. You’ll Become Best Friends With Your Roommate

Courtesy: Tumblr

While our summer C roommate was someone we could vent to about being homesick or about that boy we got with on Fourth of July, this didn’t mean she was going to be our best friend. Especially since she spent most of her time hanging out with her high school friends while you spent the summer sleeping anywhere that wasn’t Degraff Hall. It’s okay because she taught you the first college lesson of all – roommates are just roommates, not life partners.

2. That Boy/Girl from Summer C Will Be Your FWB All Four Years

Courtesy: Reader Offictions

Though he was the person you studied with for your Computer Fluency final and the guy that cuddled with you every night so you didn’t have to face your weird roommate who loved to sleep with the lights on, as soon as fall semester began you never heard from him again. Don’t worry, he totally bragged to his old high school buddies about all the a** he got all summer long.

3. You’ll be a Business Major, I mean, Accounting Major or Maybe Political Science Will Stick?

Courtesy: Tumblr

The point is you attended a poetry reading at the Warehouse and realized that you actually wanted to be an English major. You were set on landing that job after four years in New York with IBM or going to law school. But as soon as you realized how much you hated Managerial Accounting and how low of a passing rate Business Calculus had, you decided that college is the place where it’s okay to change your mind because all you really want to do is join the Peace Corps.

4. You’ll Go to the Leach All the Time

Courtesy: Odyssey Online

With all the 3 a.m. Gumby’s pokey stix we can order wasted after the Strip, Chick Fil A being steps away from our dorm, the new delivery of Insomnia Cookies and with all the y-bombs we took the past four years, the freshman 15 hit us hard. Yeah, we totally went to the Leach various times but always had the same post workout—ordering Sumo Sabi’s buy two get one free special.

5. You’ll keep a 4.0 GPA

Courtesy: Metrouk2

If this was actually met by that small percentage of you, well, bow down to you. All those Pot’s Happy Hour Thursdays, all those organizations we joined, that paid internship at the Capitol and procrastinating because it was so and so’s 21st birthday caused  the majority of us to settle for B’s. Did we really want to look back at our four years and remember all the times we went to class and studied at Stroz? Nah, that one time we rode in a cop car makes for a better story.

6. You’ll Be Thrown into Wescott on Your 21st Birthday

Courtesy: Buzzfeed

While some of you checked this off the list, most of us were too drunk to even make it out after our pre game. We are told that as FSU students you have to be thrown in on your birthday, but the truth is that we end up making out with 21 guys, break our favorite heels in two, lose our ID and spend the entire morning of our actual birthdays next to a trashcan.

7. Your Friends From Kellum, Salley or Smith Hall Will Be Your Friends Forever

Courtesy: Tumblr

“You’ll meet your best friends in your community style dorm,” they said. They lied. While you and your squad from freshman year survived the Kellum cough or respected each other’s space in Smith when the other wanted to bring a girl home, after four years you and your friends probably grew apart.  Maybe you still grab dinner or maybe you stayed friends with at least two of the six people in the squad. The truth is, as senior year approaches you have different interests, some get into relationships and some want to continue drinking. While you love them dearly, the truth is nothing will ever be the same.

8. You’ll Land Your Dream Job

Courtesy: Bright and Balanced

While the Career Center sends various emails that gave us constant reminders on what company is visiting that week, when to mark our calander for the Career Fair and even encouraged us to try a make an appointment for a mock interview, we thought that just sending in our resumes was going to land us our dream job with Google. But the semester is ending in one month, we are $20,000 in student debt, have to find someone to sub lease our apartments for the summer and suddenly, we realize how much we are going to miss Tallanasty.

9. You’ll Make it Out to Every Football Game

Courtesy: Tumblr

While we totally miss Jameis and tried to make it to every game for him, all the alcohol from Heritage Grove really got the best of us. We blame ZBT for getting us drunk with all those beer pong tournaments, Delt for that clutch ice tunnel, or AEPi for allowing us to get wasted in five minutes before we walk through the back road to Doak Campbell Stadium. Scratch that—we just ended up taking an Uber to Jimmy Johns.

10. “These Will Be The Best Four Years of Your Life”

Courtesy: Odyssey Online

In their Garnet and Gold stripped t-shirts, those freshman orientation leaders told us that the next four years would be the greatest. While we met plenty of wonderful men on Tinder, learned to funnel beer, got inspired by Professor Zeigler, attended a circus performance, tried every brunch place in Tallahassee, turned up at Coli on Saturday nights, fought with our roommates, made wonderful friends at Habitat for Humanity and had the best spring breaks of our lives, we also went through hardships. We had that boy break our heart, we cried when we didn’t get accepted into the School of Communication the first time and we had panic attacks when our 20-page research paper for ENC1102 was due in 12 hours and all we had written on the page was our name. No worries, on the bright side they weren’t the best years, but they were ones to remember (well, at least those sober moments).

Though most of these expectations were broken, our four years at FSU were definitely the most memorable. Plus, where else are we going to be able to buy $10 fish bowls with our fake IDs? Congratulations to the class of 2016! We hope to make you proud by continuing to turn up all summer at every White Trash Wednesday (don’t worry, those freshman don’t know what’s coming). 

Student at Florida State University studying Communication and Creative Writing. Addicted to iced vanilla lattes, Mike Wazowski and romantic comedies.
Her Campus at Florida State University.