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10 Emotions We Go Through Before Summer Vacation

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at FSU chapter.

1.     Excited: You have realized that summer will be here in less than a month. Sweet freedom is just around the corner 

2.     Impatient: Can those weeks go by any faster? Why can’t summer be here already? I NEED SUMMER NOW

3.     Stressed/Irrational: But wait, less than a month? I have so much work to do before summer is here! THERE IS NO WAY I WILL PASS ALL MY CLASSES! THERE ISNT ENOUGH TIME TO FIX MY GRADES I WILL HAVE TO MAKE 200% ON ALL OF MY FINALS. HELP.

4.     Distracted: But oh how wonderful summer will be! No more papers to write, test to study for, I can lay on the beach, hang with my friends, relax all summer long….

5.     Determined: I have procrastinated again and now I have to study, and pack, and get everything ready. Time to hit the books, go to the library, and get it into gear. No time for sleep, I can sleep all summer long. Commence study mode.

6.     Eager: As the days dwindle down you are ready for the fantastic summer ahead. With each final assignment you submit, and as each final comes and goes it means you are one step closer to summer!

7.     Anxious: Time is running out and you still haven’t heard from that job/internship/grad school.

8.     Sad: You have realized all your senior friends are graduating, perhaps you are moving out of your apartment, and you will miss having class with your favorite professor, or sharing a class with your friends… it’s the end of an era, well, at least the end of a good semester

9.     Relaxed: You have survived finals and you can finally celebrate another completed semester


Her Campus at Florida State University.