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These are a few of my favorite things

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Franklin chapter.

Lately, I have become utterly obsessed with a website. No, it’s not Facebook or Twitter, although I am on there a lot. It is Pinterest!
Pinterest is a website that is comprised of pictures that other people have “pinned” to their boards. The site has every topic imaginable and I can’t stop looking at it.  It has food, clothes, crafts, designs, workouts and general photographs. It is the most addicting thing I have come across in a while. But, I am not mad about it.
Yes, Pinterest has consumed my life, but it has led to some really good things.
I have found an amazing workout that I have been able to stick to for almost three weeks now. There have also been some really great cookies that have made their way into my life.
If nothing else, Pinterest has sparked my creative juices and brought crafting back into my busy life.
Start pinning at pinterest.com!

Kati Graber is a junior at Franklin College and is pursuing a Journalism/Public Realations major with a minor in sociology. She is very excited to be one of the two co-founders of Her Campus Franklin College! Kati is a member of the Indiana Alpha chapter of Pi Beta Phi and is also part of the school's student entertainment board. When she manages to find free time she often spends it hanging out with her sisters, shopping or reading a good book.