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Organization by Pin Boards

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Franklin chapter.

Its college who has the time to organize? Right? Wrong! By being organized you actually save yourself a ton of time! To make things easier for you, I have taken the liberty of rounding up the top 10 pin boards for organizing your clothes, dorm room, and life. Pin on.

Organized Life 101
• Pinner Monique Moose’s board “Organized Life 101” offers dozens of ideas on how to organize all of your belongings. Who would have thought to use toilet paper rolls to store cords or hanging wicker baskets on the wall to store bath towels? My favorite pin was storing high heels on a wooden rung ladder. It was clever and stylish.

Wearable Wants
• Wearable Wants is a great pin board for everything clothes. Christine Martinez, who runs the blog “Miles to Style” pins great outfit ideas, design ideas and trends daily. So if you’re lacking in style inspiration, Martinez will surely have something for you at every price point.

• The ultimate pin board for organization. Pinner Kelsey Norwood will show you how to organize everything from your kitchen cabinets to your hole-punches. She also has a few ingenious ideas for college kids, like us, such as taking your camera out in a plastic soap box. This way it will not get damaged in your purse. A great tip for all girls like me who average two cameras a year.

Ideas That Will Make My Life Easier
• This board has ideas to make your life easier. Anna Marks shows that Tic-Tac boxes make great storage for bobby pins and climbers’ hooks (available at Wal-Mart) are great to hold your hair elastics. After reading this board you may never lose a hair accessory again!

Getting Organized
• Cannot wait to use the organization tips I found on the “Getting Organized” board by Sloane Young! Using a binder clip as a cell phone power cord holder will save me a lot of searching at nights. Your OCD side may also love her tips on how to organize and utilize your planner.

Closet and Dressing Rooms
• Imagine how much time you could save if you were able to find exactly what you wanted as soon as you opened your closet. This pinboard, by a pinner called Lara, will you help you organize any size closet. Using these ideas you will be able to remake your closet into a way that displays – rather than contains – all of your beautiful things. The gem of this pin board is the idea of hollowing out old photo frames, lining them with fabric, and using them for jewelry storage.

All Boards
• Yes , you read that right, renowned TV chef Paula Deen is a pinner. No surprise that all of her pin boards deal with food. The boards are titled after the occasion you are cooking for, such as Thanksgiving, Halloween, and Game Day. She also shows different ways to display food.

Put it There
Cindy Chasey is the pinterest genius of reusing your old things. She uses old spoons as wall hooks and cheese graters as earring displays. Check out her “Put it there” board for a dozen more great ideas.

All Boards
• If you are among the many engaged Franklin girls then you MUST check out Kelly Nash’s pin boards. She has any wedding idea you could need and more. With boards titled after individual needs, such as “dress” or “decor/centerpieces,” you will quickly find what you are looking for.

All Boards
I’m not sure whats more addicting, Etsy’s pinterest or its dotcom website. Allow yourself to be amazed by the boards filled with room décor and DIY projects. Your surroundings will thank you.

Kati Graber is a junior at Franklin College and is pursuing a Journalism/Public Realations major with a minor in sociology. She is very excited to be one of the two co-founders of Her Campus Franklin College! Kati is a member of the Indiana Alpha chapter of Pi Beta Phi and is also part of the school's student entertainment board. When she manages to find free time she often spends it hanging out with her sisters, shopping or reading a good book.