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The Grand Finale

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Franklin chapter.

My boyfriend is leaving in less than a week for a two-year mission trip in South America. As the time for his departure has been quickly approaching, he’s had a lot of “last times” that really make me consider how hard this transition is going to be.

For example, on Valentine’s Day we went to his favorite restaurant for the last time. Then we went to the movies for the last time and saw The Vow.  Even more significant was his farewell party a week later, where he saw his friends from high school for the last time. He told me later it was very hard to hug some of them goodbye, knowing he wouldn’t see them for quite a while.

I am very conscious of these moments of “lasts.” I’m aware when he gives a friend a hug that that is the last hug they’ll share for a long time. I’m aware that on his mission he won’t be able to see any movies or go out to eat. Recognizing this saddens me, but I force myself to think positively.

These are actually not his last great moments. These goodbyes are only temporary, and in the meantime he’ll be having so many more amazing moments to fill the void. He will be doing something worthwhile, and will be sacrificing two years of his life to serve others. And when he gets back in 2014, he will once again be reunited with his family and friends and can go on enjoying all the things he loves.

Kati Graber is a junior at Franklin College and is pursuing a Journalism/Public Realations major with a minor in sociology. She is very excited to be one of the two co-founders of Her Campus Franklin College! Kati is a member of the Indiana Alpha chapter of Pi Beta Phi and is also part of the school's student entertainment board. When she manages to find free time she often spends it hanging out with her sisters, shopping or reading a good book.