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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Framingham chapter.

Instead of just sitting around moping and counting down the days until they return try a few of these things to get your mind off of it!

1. Try really, really hard on your lipstick. I know when my boyfriend is home it’s hard to have a good lipstick day without it getting all over his cheek. Try out some new fun colors and see which ones work best for longer wear so when they come back you can test them out!

2. Do some crafts. Lately I’ve been very into making collages from magazines. I don’t have any plans on what to do with them, but it definitely keeps me busy!

3. Start that fitness plan. Maybe you and your significant other are always snacking or are always grabbing that late bite to eat. While they’re away break the cycle and with your free time, hit the gym!

4. Take a day to yourself. Just walk around whether it is around your local park or streets around campus. Get out of your comfort zone and leave the phone in your pocket. Once you’ve found some new places to adventure, there’s your next date already planned when your best friend comes home!

5. Lastly, if you can, visit them! This is such an incredible opportunity for them why not make it a special moment for the two of you in a new place. You can get out and see the world and visit the person you miss so much!

Rachel Smith

Framingham '18

Former Co-Campus Correspondent; Graduated 2018; Fashion Merchandising Major with Communication Arts Minor; Dance Team, Fashion Club, Her Campus, and Peer Mentor