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Olivia Caponigro, FCRH ’15

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Fordham chapter.

Name: Olivia Caponigro

Single or Taken: Taken

Major: English

What she’s looking for in a significant other: Someone who is nice and affectionate, who I can be comfortable around.

Why she picked Fordham: My dad and my grandfather went here, and I liked that it’s so close to the city. 

What is one thing that you do not understand about the opposite sex? Football…

What is your hidden talent? Photography.

Do you prefer to make the first move or have him come to you? I prefer to have a guy come to me, but I dislike cheesy pick-up lines and creepers. 

Who is your celebrity crush? Ryan Gosling and Liam Hemsworth

What is your life motto? Never let the fear of striking out, keep you from playing the game. 

Alyssa is a senior at Fordham University pursuing a major in Communications and Media Studies, and a minor in Spanish. With career goals ranging from digital editor at a major women's magazine, to writing a best selling young adult novel, she has put her skills to the test in many different areas of the communications field.