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Need Advice? Ask Dear Betty

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Fordham chapter.

Her Campus Fordham is excited to announce the launch of our new advice column, written by an anonymous Fordham student, Dear Betty

Hello Fordham! My name is Betty, and I am here to help you with whatever you need. My excellent advice might be able to get you through any problems you may have. This can be what to wear on your next date, a problem with a friend, or even a problem about school; I’m your woman! 

I am a twentysomething student here at Fordham and I understand the everyday problems girls might have.  I love to shop and find new things to do here in NYC.  You can look to me for advice because we all know that it is better to verbalize our problems instead of keeping them to ourselves.

Hope to hear from you soon!

Have a question for Dear Betty? Fill out the form below and she might answer your question in her next article!

Sarah is a member of the Class of 2013 at Fordham University, where she's a double-major in American Studies and Communication & Media Studies. A South Florida native, she is still adjusting to the cold and figuring out the basics of a winter wardrobe. A huge sports fan, Sarah watches way too much Sportscenter and compensates by watching copious amounts of E!, Gilmore Girls, and Pretty Little Liars. When she's not watching movies or staring at a television screen, she also enjoys blogging, photography, fashion, reading, and bring Pinterest pins to life. Follow her on Twitter @sari_ramirez.