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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Fordham chapter.

Pretty much every major holiday or event around the world has been different in some way in 2020. One event that will look very different this year is Black Friday. Black Friday is one of the biggest events in America drawing on average 84.2 million shoppers per year. With Covid-19 restrictions, it’s just not possible for shoppers to have a normal Black Friday while social distancing and being cautious of crowds. Some stores are allowing a limited number of people inside while other stores have decided to close completely for the day. Walmart, Target, and Dick’s Sporting Goods will all be closed for the first time since the 1980’s on Black Friday. Thankfully, there are still ways to get the best deals on products and gifts for the holidays. Here are some of the best ways to safely shop on this upcoming Black Friday.


  1. Shop Online
  2. Check your favorite stores to see if they have started Black Friday sales early
  3. Call your favorite stores to see if they offer curbside pickup
  4. Research the products you think you will want to purchase to make sure you are able to order it or pick it up as soon as possible
  5. Keep items in your cart online to ensure that you will be able to checkout before the items sells out


However, if you decide to shop on Black Friday this year, make sure to be aware of your surroundings and be as safe as possible!

Hey everyone! I'm a senior majoring in marketing at Fordham. I hope you enjoy my articles!!