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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Fordham chapter.

Name: Kendall Pearcey

Nicknames: Kip, KP, Kinder

School and Year: Fordham Rose Hill, 2017

Major: Communications with a Concentration in New Media

How many years have you been playing football for and what position do you play? I’ve played football for 9 years, and I am a running back.

How do you feel about being a senior on the football team? I have mixed feelings because I’m finally in a position of leadership, but it’s hard that college is about to be over. When I was a freshman, senior year seemed so far away. I had other people to guide me, but now I can guide freshman on the field, socially, and academically. I feel like a lot of people on the team can approach me now.

What is the best thing and the most challenging thing about being apart of the football team? The best thing about football is the family you create. You go through stuff with your team that goes way beyond football. The most challenging thing about being apart of the football team is the hours, because there’s a lot of work that has to get done that people don’t see. People just come to the games, but there’s a lot more than just the games. It can be exhausting at times. Besides class, I have football practice, lifting, and football meetings everyday.

What is your favorite memory at Fordham? Winning the Patriot League championship in the 2014 season. It was an away game between the top two teams of the conference. It came down to overtime. Time was running out and we had a touchdown pass to the corner end zone. So, we won the game by a score. That was the first time I got a ring, and won a championship. It was emotional, and I was crying like a little baby.

What do you plan to do after graduation? I would like to pursue a professional football career, and eventually get into the music industry. I would like to start off in music advertising, but because I feel like I’m musically gifted, I would also like to work in production.

How do you balance football with school? I don’t. Just kidding, I would recommend setting up a schedule and taking advantage of your free time, whether that’s for your academics or to relax or to sleep.

Favorite sport teams: Miami Heat, Tampa Bay Bucaneers, San Diego Chargers, Tampa Bay Lightning.

What have you not done during your time at Fordham, that you still wish to do? Visit the Statue of Liberty.

Describe yourself in three words. Easygoing, caring, competitive. 

What is your favorite place to eat in or around Fordham? The Grille. A barbecue honey-mustard chicken wrap with fries is my go-to.

What is something most people don’t know about you? I can sing.

Who would play you in a movie of your life? Will Smith.

Who is your celebrity crush? Gabrielle Union, not just because of her physical looks but also because her relationship with Dwayne Wade is goals.

If you could pick 3 celebrities to be apart of your entourage, who would they be? Kevin Hart, Drake, and Jhene Aiko.


Nicole came from Southern California to Fordham University to study psychology and marketing. When she's not in class, she's working at her local Applebee's or interning at a fashion PR firm in Manhattan. Nicole loves all things celebrity gossip, reality television, and most of all, food. In the future, Nicole hopes to be working as an editor of a popular woman's magazine or producer for a television show.