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Joe Neri, GSB ’15

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Fordham chapter.

Name: Joe Neri

Single or Taken: Single

Major: Marketing 

What do you look for in a significant other: Someone who is honest, happy, funny, knows how to have a good time, and can take a joke. 

Why did you pick Fordham: Beautiful campus and friendly people associated with the university 

What is one thing that you do not understand about the opposite sex? Why the say say nothing is wrong, when something is clearly wrong.  

What is your hidden talent? I can drink water really fast .

Do you prefer to make the first move of have her come to you? Her come to you 

Describe your ideal date: Lunch at a sports bar, movie at my apartment, sleepover 

What’s your top choice for karaoke? “Born to Run” Bruce Springsteen 

Who is your celebrity crush? Jessica Biel

What would your super power be? Invisibility 

What is your life motto? Treat other as you wish to be treated 

Joe is the first of a four part series featuring the men of apartment 2F. They’re all single and ready to mingle. 

Alyssa is a senior at Fordham University pursuing a major in Communications and Media Studies, and a minor in Spanish. With career goals ranging from digital editor at a major women's magazine, to writing a best selling young adult novel, she has put her skills to the test in many different areas of the communications field.