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How To: De-Stress Like a Ram

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Fordham chapter.

The days are getting shorter, the weather’s getting colder, classes are busier than ever, and finals are around the corner! As if that wasn’t enough, you and your roomates are at odds with each other,  your weekends are all starting to look the the same, you’re homesick, and you just really need a break.
It’s winter, and the time is ripe for the blues.
The good news is, it’s completely normal to feel a little down at this point in the semester. More importantly, it’s completely fixable! While there’s no magic spell to take away the stress, the demands, or the piles of homework, there are a few fun and easy ways to boost your mood – and a better mood will make all your worries seem a lot less worrisome…
1. Exercise

Getting the endorphins flowing is a perfect way to de-stress because it clears your mind and gives you the energy to face your tasks head-on. You already know this, but for some reason you and your running sneakers have been estranged since last April. Let’s face it, 30 minutes on the treadmill isn’t exciting enough to lure you away from your cozy room, and it certainly won’t help you get that paper written. But if you think outside the box to find a fresh activity, you can make this classic de-stresser a true mood changer. Do something out of the ordinary, and you’ll find that your attitude turns 180 degrees.

Take a ballroom dance class – they’re free every Thursday at 8pm in O’Keefe Commons. Rent a workout video from the library and try it out with your roommate for a quick study break. Go for a run in Central Park. Anything goes, just be creative. The combination of working up a sweat and trying something new will revive and refresh you!
2. Go on a breakfast date

If your friends often mutter the phrase “somebody got up on the wrong side of the bed” in your presence, it might be time to rethink your a.m. routine. How you start your morning sets the tone for the whole day. If your typical morning involves angrily pounding the snooze button in 5 minute intervals, manically searching through your hamper to find something that smells decent enough to wear, and/or running to class with nothing in your stomach but 5-hour energy, it’s no wonder you’re in a bad mood. If you find a way to fit some positivity into your morning, you’ll have a much better outlook for the rest of the day.

The best way to do that? Wake up with people you love! Take your boyfriend to Simon’s for a quick breakfast before class or grab a few of your girlfriends and take a walk to the Blend for coffee and pastries. If you’re short on cash, hit up the caf. Even Sodexo manages to serve up a decent spread of cereals, fruits, and muffins every morning. Taking a stroll in the crisp early air, laughing with your friends, and actually eating some breakfast will make it impossible not to feel good about the upcoming day. By the time you clear the table and head to class, your groggy wakeup will be naught but a distant memory.
3. Get sleep

Sleep deprivation is a huge mood changer. Pulling all nighters will make you irritable, moody, and easily upset. So while staying up to get your work done seems like a good idea, you’re actually doing yourself more harm than good.  But between schoolwork, clubs, nights out, and friends – not to mention breathing – where can a Fordham collegiette™ fit in a thing like sleep?

The truth? You have to make it a priority. Unfortunately, more hours are never going to appear in a day, and your professors and friends won’t ever stop demanding your energy. This means it’s up to you to give yourself the time to recharge. Be it by saying “no” to a few extra responsibilities, or trading your daily facebook warp for a nap, you can find time for sleep if you just get creative (and assertive). Think of it like eating – no matter how much you have to do, you find time to shovel down a quick meal – sleep is just as necessary, so take care of yoursef and find the time to do it!
4. Get in the holiday spirit

Instead of bemoaning the arrival of winter, try to enjoy the fun of the season. “Winter blues? There’s no such thing with the help of a little Christmas music”, advises sophomore Becca Brown. So even if you’re feeling a little grinch-y, show some holiday cheer – you’ll start feeling jolly despite yourself! Turn up Mariah Carey and belt out “All I Want For Christmas”. String up some Christmas lights (Only $3.99 at Walgreen’s!). Make some hot cocoa and watch Elf with your roomie. Your arghhhh’s will turn into ho ho ho’s in no time.
I hope at least one of these tips helps you find some calm amid the end-of-semester bustle. Already have a way to stay zen when things get crazy? Share it in the comment box!

Sarah is a member of the Class of 2013 at Fordham University, where she's a double-major in American Studies and Communication & Media Studies. A South Florida native, she is still adjusting to the cold and figuring out the basics of a winter wardrobe. A huge sports fan, Sarah watches way too much Sportscenter and compensates by watching copious amounts of E!, Gilmore Girls, and Pretty Little Liars. When she's not watching movies or staring at a television screen, she also enjoys blogging, photography, fashion, reading, and bring Pinterest pins to life. Follow her on Twitter @sari_ramirez.