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Get Connected With Julie Troisi

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Fordham chapter.

If you’ve ever had a problem with Fordham’s wifi (okay seriously, who hasn’t?) you have probably connected with this week’s campus celebrity Julie Troisi. Julie is a Resident Technology Consultant in Walsh Hall, which means when you can’t get onto your netflix account in your room or all of a sudden the cable isn’t working right before Pretty Little Liars is coming on, Julie is there to help! But this isn’t Julie’s only role on campus. Check out her interview to find out where else you can find her on campus (or off exploring the city). 

Where are you from? Belle Mead, New Jersey

What year are you? I’m currently a junior.

What is your major? Engineering Physics and Environmental Policy

What activities are you involved in? Besides working for Fordham IT as a Resident Technology Consultant, I also intern at an education technology start up in the city. On campus, I play rugby, participate in editing and reviewing the Fordham Undergraduate Research Journal, Engineers Without Borders, and I peer tutor for physics. There are always clubs whose events I look out for, but I would say those are my most serious commitments on campus.  

How did you decide to come to Fordham? I don’t know if I ever decided to come to Fordham. I remember sending my mom a link to a tee shirt in the bookstore. It ended up being that when I found something wrong with every other school I got into, Fordham seemed to be the one that I was still interested in going to. It had the most opportunities and options as well as being in the city and having a beautiful campus. 

Do you have any tips for students who are trying to balance schoolwork, extracurriculars, and other obligations like internships? Write things down! It helps you see what you have to do without having to go over it all in your head and get overwhelmed. That’s another thing, no matter how much you have to do, try not to let yourself get too overwhelmed, it’s just detrimental in the end. 

What’s your favorite thing about New York? How easily I can get lost and still feel at home and find something I want to see. I adore just taking the subway somewhere that sounds interesting and wandering without having much to do in mind. 

Have you crossed anything off your New York City bucketlist? One thing I wanted to do was take advantage of NYC’s extensive food options. So recently I’ve tried a few trucks around my internship as well as going out to brunches and dinners with a friend.

Do you have a favorite NYC memory? One of my favorite memories is a Two Door Cinema concert in Central Park that I went to with a good friend. It was almost unplanned, but such an amazing experience. The music and crowd were phenomenal. 

Do you have a favorite Fordham memory? I have quite a few, but some of my best times here have involved Eddie’s. From star gazing at night to sitting around with friends between classes on a nice day. As cliche as it is, it is one of my favorite places on campus. 

Where’s your favorite spot on campus? The steps of Freeman. 

If you could give one piece of advice to a Fordham collegiette, what would it be? Find time to explore, whether it be different subjects you may be interested or walking a block to two further up on Fordham Road, find new things and step out of your comfort zone a bit. 

What’s your dream job? I’ll let you know when I figure it out. Something where I’ll feel that a lot of my skills are being utilized. 

What do you think the best part of a Jesuit education is? How well-rounded it is. I liked that I could study in a STEM field and still get a good grasp on the liberal arts. There is also that life-long idea of thinking about everything which is truly what I hope to keep with me forever. 

Who is your favorite professor at Fordham? Naming favorites is dangerous, but I could not have gotten as far as I have without the help of some amazing professors. 

What’s one thing everyone would be surprised to learn about you? How much I enjoy working. Between classes, an internship, and an on campus job, I have a lot that I could complain about. I won’t lie and say that juggling is easy, but I would not do it if it was not at least somewhat enjoyable. Both my internship at Open Assembly and my job with Fordham IT focus on helping and improving, so everything totally fits for me. 

Pick one!

Bronx Zoo or Botanical Gardens? Bronx Zoo 

Arthur Ave/Fordham Road? Fordham Road

Cafeteria or Grille? Grille

RamVan or Subway? Subway

Met or MoMA? Met

Hot Dog or Bagel? Bagel

Broadway or Off-Broadway? Broadway

Radio City or Madison Square Garden? Madison Square Garden

Central Park or Brooklyn Bridge? Central Park


Alyssa is a senior at Fordham University pursuing a major in Communications and Media Studies, and a minor in Spanish. With career goals ranging from digital editor at a major women's magazine, to writing a best selling young adult novel, she has put her skills to the test in many different areas of the communications field.