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Fordham’s 15 Minutes of Buzzfeed Fame

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Fordham chapter.


This year, “welcome week” at Fordham kicked off with 15 minutes of online fame! While new students get used to campus and old students begin their lives out of college, a Buzzfeed contributor has created the list “37 Signs You Went To Fordham University” that appeals to any Fordham student. In case you missed it, here are our top three “signs” you know you went to Fordham University:

  1. People often mistook you as saying “Florida” when you told them where you went to school. Eventually, you stopped correcting them.
  2. Hey, did you know U2 played on Keating steps one time?
  3. You lived for spring weekend. 

Can’t get enough? Check out the rest of the list here!