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Extended Winter Break? COVID Friendly Things to Do in Your Hometown

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Fordham chapter.

Whether you’ve been living at home all semester or you’re just arriving home for an extended winter break, we know that cabin fever can be even worse at home than it is in your dorm. Here, we’ve compiled a list of some COVID friendly things that you can do in your hometown when the boredom sets in.

Movie Night

If you get lucky with a warm night or can scrounge up some outdoor heaters, renting a large movie screen for an outdoor movie night is a ton of fun! Everyone can bring their own snacks and choose a movie to watch in a backyard! Just make sure to bring masks and sit six feet apart. If it’s too cold where you live, try a Netflix Party movie night! Netflix Party is super easy to download and use, and you can even chat with your friends on the side of the screen as you watch.

Insta Cart

As long as you have no pre-existing health conditions and are being extra careful, grocery shopping for others is a great way to give back to your community during the holidays. Neighbors and friends who are extra vulnerable to COVID are usually nervous to go to the grocery store – for good reason. You can download the app Insta Cart and get paid to do grocery shopping for those who aren’t able to get to the store themselves. You can also do this for free for your grandparents, neighbors, or anyone you know who might be stressed about a trip to the store. They will definitely appreciate it, especially during the holiday season!

Book Swap

If you’re trying to get back into reading over the break, a Book Swap is the perfect way to make reading exciting and enjoyable. Gather a group of people who want to participate, and assign each person a house to drop off a book at. You can even assign a date for a group Zoom or FaceTime where you can all discuss the books once you’ve finished. My favorite thing about Book Swaps is that they take away the difficulty of having to choose a book to read – for indecisive people like me, it’s a relief when someone else chooses your book for you! Just make sure you wipe down the covers of your books with cleaning supplies before you drop them off, and you’re good to go.


Having a bonfire with friends is a great way to catch up while still maintaining social distance. Make sure you place chairs six feet apart, have everyone bring some snacks or s’mores, and have fun!


If you’re trying to get active this winter, hiking is the perfect way to chat with friends while staying safe. Pick your favorite trail, and make sure everyone brings their own water and snacks. You could even bring food and a blanket to have a picnic once you reach your destination! Make sure everyone is wearing a mask, and you’re all set!

Bake Off

Baking is one of my favorite things about the holiday season, and the perfect thing to do on a cold winter day. You and your friends can all bake different treats in your own homes, and drop them off to the rest to try later! Make sure that you are wearing a mask and have extra clean hands when you prepare your baked goods. To add a little competition, you could create an online poll and have everyone vote on who’s baked good they liked best!

We know it looks different this year, but you can still make the most of your winter break! Don’t forget to prioritize the health and safety of yourself and your community while you have fun.