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Ben & Jerry & Paul Cammarata

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Fordham chapter.

Paul Cammarata has pretty much run the gamut as far as Fordham activities go. He briefly starred as USG Freshman class representative for Fordham College Rose Hill, and since then has continued to rule the school. As the coach of the new men’s club soccer team, Paul marries his passion for the beautiful game with the love he has for his school. Now Paul’s working to promote fair trade and satisfy the Fordham sweet tooth as the Campus Representative for Ben & Jerry’s.
Where are you from? North Bellmore, Longuyland, New York.

What year are you? Junior.

What is your major? Political Science.

What activities are you involved in? Not as many as I would like! I coach the club soccer team here and I’m the campus rep for Ben & Jerry’s. I also work a couple nights at one of the bars around campus.

Favorite movie: I hate these questions. There isn’t one definitive one. Godfather, Shawshank, Lord of the Rings, Inception, and a couple others, all great movies. Oh, and Toy Story 1-3.

Favorite band/musician: Really indecisive. Maybe Mumford and Sons? The XX? Johnny Cash, Trevor Hall, DMB, Edward Sharpe, Simon and Garfunkel, Coldplay, Bright Eyes, The Beatles, definitely Explosions in The Sky!, Ludovico Einaudi, and maybe a little country thrown in.

Favorite book: Fever Pitchby by Nick Hornby and We Wish to Inform You That Tomorrow We Will Be Killed With Our Families: Stories from Rwanda by Philip Gourevitch

Favorite TV show: Lost is, and forever will be, the greatest television show ever written.

How did you decide to come to Fordham? Villanova was my top choice originally but they didn’t offer me any money. Fordham did, and I chose to go here without ever actually visiting the school. It’s probably the best choice I’ve made in my 20 years of living.

Do you have any tips for students who are trying to balance schoolwork, extracurriculars, and other obligations like internships? Breathe, relax, and realize that you’re already in a position that a lot of people can only dream of. One thing I try and live by is that “When you want to be successful as bad as you want to breathe, then you’ll be successful.”

What’s your favorite thing about NY? The cultural diversity, the history, the people. Almost everything about it I guess!

What’s your least favorite thing about NY?People are too rushed with their everyday lives. I hate how people idolize the New York minute into it being only 30 seconds.

Do you have a favorite Fordham memory? Listening to Ed Gerety’s speech at the beginning of my freshman year. Changed the way I think, and he’s the reason why I decided to run, successfully, for student government president my freshmen year.

Do you have a favorite NYC memory? I’d hate to put only one down, but I would say anytime I get the chance to walk through Time Square at night is incredible, seeing people from every country and every walk of life.

What’s your favorite class you’ve taken at Fordham? I took a great class first semester of my freshmen year, “Understanding Historical Change: Modern Europe” with Professor Myers. Best professor I’ve had during my time here.

What’s your least favorite class you’ve taken at Fordham? Astronomy. Hated it, had to take it. Went to the first class, midterm, and final, and passed (luckily).

Where’s your favorite spot on campus? Bishop’s Lounge, Queen’s Court

If you could give one piece of advice to an incoming Fordham freshman, what would it be? Outside of hardcore drugs, don’t shy away from anything. Always look to do new things, explore new places. Good things don’t come to those who wait. Good things come to those who go out and get them.

What’s your dream job? Anything involved with soccer.

What’s on your NYC bucket list? I guess I need to see a Broadway show. Outside of that, I need to visit some of the hidden bars in Manhattan.

What do you think the best part of a Jesuit education is? I love the social mission aspect of a Jesuit education. There has to be ethics applied with the decisions we make due to the education we receive, and going to a Jesuit school helps realize that.

Who is your favorite professor at Fordham? Professor Myers and Professor Rottenberg.

What’s one thing everyone would be surprised to learn about you? I like classical music. And I’m a pretty nice guy!

Pick one!

Bronx Zoo or Botanical Gardens? Botans
Arthur Ave/Fordham Road? Arthur Ave
Cafeteria or Grille? Grille
Conway or Dr. Jay’s? Always go with the Butt Boosting Jeans
RamVan or Subway? Subway
Duane Reade or WalGreen’s? WalGreen’s
Met or MoMA? MoMA (Complete lie, wouldn’t care for either)
Hot Dog or Bagel? Bagel
Broadway or Off-Broadway?Don’t mind either way
Radio City or Madison Square Garden? MSG
Central Park or Brooklyn Bridge? Central Park

Claire Cumberland is a sophomore at Fordham University in the Bronx. A communications major, she doesn’t have a singular idea about what she wants to do with her life, but hopes to dabble in many different things before stumbling upon her dream job. She enjoys reading, writing, walking her dog Scout, going to thrift stores, watching television, painting her nails, getting internships, online shopping, and color coding things. Claire has interned at Alex's Lemonade Stand Foundation, a charity for childhood cancer established in her hometown of Philadelphia, PA. She also interned at Sesame Workshop as a production intern for The Electric Company, a popular show on PBS. Claire is currently involved in Global Outreach at Fordham University and is an anchor for Fordham Nightly News.