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8 Things To Do Instead Of Thinking About A Guy

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Fordham chapter.

We’ve all been there: checking your phone for texts from the guy you’re crushing on, getting distracted in class by daydreams about him, and talking about him constantly. Crushes can be super fun, but when you feel like you’re going crazy from thinking about this boy too much (especially if he’s not reciprocating your feelings), here are some things you can do instead.

1. Indulge In Your Favorite Food/Show/Hobby

Whether it means heading to Arthur Ave for a cannoli or having a night in with Netflix, you deserve to treat yourself right. Who needs a man to do that?



2. Make a Dream Board

As a Fordham collegiette, odds are that you have other dreams in addition to happily ever after with your crush. Focus on those ones and turn them into something tangible to motivate you as you get through finals and go into the new year. 



3. Study, Study, Study

Although no one really wants to think about finals right around the corner, we all know the importance of our education. In the grand scheme of things, whether your crush texts you back won’t hugely impact your future, but acing those exams will do wonders for it. (Plus, studying = making awesome study playlists #Yonce).



4. Call Someone You Love

Waiting for a guy to talk to you is an absolute drag, so instead of staring at your phone willing a notification to pop up, call one of your best friends/your mom/your sibling/whoever makes you smile. Remind yourself of all the great people in your life a.k.a. the ones who DO text back.  



5. Hit the Gym

Not only has physical exercise been proven to relieve stress and improve mental health, it’s a great way to work off any built-up ~tension~.



6. Look for an Internship

Applications are open for a ton of Spring 2016 semester internships, and it’s not long before Summer 2016 ones are available as well! Follow the advice of Facebook COO (and overall amazing human being) Sheryl Sandberg, and “lean in” to your career. While you’re busy turning your passions into a #BOSS career, you won’t even remember the name of that guy you met at a party that one time and thought was really cute. 




7. Have a Girls’ Night Out

Instead of Facebook stalking The One That Got Away, grab your girlfriends, pull your freakum dress out of your closet, and enjoy a night out. You’ll feel 100% better making great memories with your best friends than finding out that Mr. Emotionally Distant had braces in the 6th grade. 



8. Give Yourself a Reality Check

Look in the mirror. Tell yourself how smart, beautiful, and amazing you are. Know that you are every one of these things without the help of any guy, or anyone else for that matter. Repeat. 





Olivia is a junior at Fordham University. She is a Communications major from bright and sunny Southern California, but the East Coast is her second home. She actually does love long walks on the beach, but she also loves being a friend, sister, daughter, and aunt. Most importantly, she hopes her articles make you feel happy.