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5 Ways to Stay Motivated in the Dead of Winter

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Fordham chapter.

Well, it’s freezing outside. It’s the stay inside, face freezing off, ten layers plus coat kind of cold. Right now, it seems like the hardest thing in the world to give the extra little push to get things done like you usually do, and frankly, I don’t blame you. Its not easy to find motivation when it seems like even Mother Nature has given up. However, don’t lose all hope! I will share some quick tips and fun things to ensure that your whole winter isn’t spent hiding under blankets (although some necessary time must be dedicated to just this, my friends).

1. Treat yourself

We all need a little extra pick me up in the Winter, so go ahead and splurge. Buy yourself a gift that will get you excited and fuel your motivation! Whether that be a new workout outfit, new perfume, or like myself, fancy chocolates, do it! You deserve it, girl. 

 2. Change up your workout 

Dragging yourself to the gym on a cold evening is impossible when you do the same, old boring workout day after day. So, change it up! Don’t be afraid to experiment with new workouts that will (possibly) make working out not as much of a “run-out-the-clock” type of situation.

 3. Eyes on the prize

Best way to overcome winter blues? Dream board. This dream board may be simply you and your mind fantasizing your goals for this spring and your future summer adventures, or it can be an actual board that you design with pictures and all sorts of visual inspiration to keep you motivated. Whichever type you choose, make sure your dreams are clear and positive!

 4. Work hard at one thing

An easy way to feel overwhelmed and stressed during the Winter is by spreading yourself too thin. By doing this, you eventually feel so busy that you result in curling up in a ball in your bed with popcorn and Netflix and before you know it, the day is gone. Although, this relaxation time is needed, don’t let yourself become too overloaded! The key is to work hard at one thing at a time, and in finishing that one thing you will feel satisfied and proud, even enough to make you dive full force into your next task!

5. Stay organized

You know the struggle; papers are falling out of folders, pens are left uncapped and notes are becoming illegible. But I warn you, don’t give in. Staying organized is the key to staying focused. When it doesn’t take you six hours to find the right notes to complete a homework assignment, you are more likely to do it and do it well. So get those highlighters and planners out ladies, its not time to throw them away for good yet.

Most importantly, remember to enjoy winter! Although it seems like winter is a never ending cycle of misery and subarctic temperatures, there is light at the end of the tunnel! So do fun winter things and use these tips to stay motivated and I promise, you will make it. 

Kari is a sophomore at Fordham University pursuing a major in Communications and Media Studies with a concentration in Journalism and a minor in Marketing. On a more interesting note, she loves bulldogs, chocolate and spending all of her money on clothes. https://www.instagram.com/karigrunwald/ http://www.collegefashionista.com/author/karigrunwald/ http://spireand.co/author/karigrunwald/