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15 Minutes with Cosmopolitan’s Beauty Editor, Lauren Balsamo

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Fordham chapter.

Last Saturday, I had the opportunity to attend New York Women In Communications‘ Student Career Conference that offered a day full of successful women speaking about their careers in sects of communication. One of the sessions included women from the Beauty and Fashion Communications Industry. Among the panelists sat Lauren Balsamo; a beauty editor for Cosmopolitan. Her Campus Fordham was lucky enough to speak with Lauren after the panel and ask her a few questions about her career.

Her Campus Fordham: Can you trace your career back to one moment where you knew this is what you wanted to be doing for your future?

Lauren: I’ve always loved magazines, so I knew from the get-go I wanted to work in the industry. But my first beauty internship at Cosmo really sealed the deal. Seeing all the editors in action and watching the creative process unfold was so amazing.

HCFU: Have you ever had a mentor or someone who served as a personal role model for you at work? How has this person influenced you?

Lauren: Yes! My boss—who is both my mentor and role model. She is someone who inspires me to do my best work everyday—something I think is key in any boss/mentor relationship.

HCFU: What’s your own day to day beauty routine?

Lauren: I love skincare and am very diligent about my regimen. At night I do a double cleanse, use a prescription retinol and then layer a thick moisturizer on top. In the morning I use an oil-based cleanser, vitamin C serum and a moisturizer with SPF 30. My makeup routine is pretty minimal—I use clear gel to brush up my brows, a bit of mascara and concealer under my eyes.

HCFU: Do you feel like you missed out on any experience since you moved up to your position rather quickly?

Lauren: No! I’ve always been someone that pushes myself to get to the next level sooner than later.

HCFU: Is there anything you didn’t get the chance to say at the NYWICI conference that you would like young women seeking a career in fashion and beauty to know?

Lauren: Do an internship! (I swear it’s more valuable than most classes you’ll take in college.) It’s how you network, learn about your industry and get real, relevant hands-on experience.

HCFU: What are three pieces of advice you wish someone gave you when you were in college?

Lauren: Ask more questions, don’t wait until you’re a senior to think about internships, and take advantage of your on campus resources (whether it be a health-clinic or career fair).