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10 Things That Will Restore Your Faith In Humanity in 2017

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Fordham chapter.

It’s common knowledge that 2016 was a year that no one had trouble parting with. While 2017 has already had ups and downs of its own, here are 10 things that can restore your faith in humanity: 


1) This baby giraffe who was just born at a zoo in Belgium.



2) The amount of kids standing up for women’s human rights at the Women’s March.  


3) This store in Dallas, Texas who is providing the homeless with something warm to wear this winter.


4) This class who bought their teacher a new laptop after he had troubles with his really slow computer.


5) The collective laugh we all had after this tweet was posted because let’s be honest…Meryl is a hero and far from overrated.


6) This unlikely pair that will warm your heart.




7) This principal let a bullied student shave his head to teach a lesson to the other students about bullying.



8) Betty White survived 2016 and turned 95.


9) Ed Sheeran released 2 new songs that you should REALLY hear. If you already have, listen again. 






10) This dog who escaped its SPCA shelter and somehow found the shelter worker who gave him treats to try to earn his trust. 

Lauren is a senior at Fordham University pursuing a degree in Journalism and Political Science. With a career goal of being a broadcast journalist, she is spending time interning at networks such as NBC and FOX. Hobbies include writing for Her Campus and singing in Fordham's all-female a cappella group, the Satin Dolls, as well as drinking too much coffee, listening to far too many boy bands, and watching Buzzfeed Tasty videos one after another.