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Worst Valentine’s Day Stories at FIU

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at FIU chapter.

Once February rolls around and you see the heart shaped chocolate boxes and overly- sized teddy bears invading stores on every corner, it is safe to say Valentine’s day is on its way. For those in a relationship, it is a day of high expectations and all that lovey-dovey stuff.  But if you’re single, it’s just a huge reminder of your failed love life. But before you go ahead and throw yourself a pity party, remember there is always someone out there who has it worse.

Here are just a few of the worst Valentine’s day stories at FIU:   

“I was dating a guy named Ben for about 8 months when Valentine’s Day came around and we had plans to go out and eat sushi at Shibui. I showed up at 7 p.m. for a 7:30 p.m. reservation and they had showed me to our table. He had texted me that he was on his way and to go ahead and order, so I did. The food was taking a while, and so was he, so I waited an hour and finally called him. He tells me that he had accidently sent me that text and he really meant to send me this one: “Hey, not feeling it anymore. Sorry. Have a good V-day.” Naturally, I was heartbroken and wanted to go home but I had already ordered my food so I stuck around for my dragon roll of sadness. Just as I was getting my food who do I see? None other than Ben with a girl I had never seen in my life sitting at a table twenty feet away. I had to sit there and eat my dragon roll while my very recent ex- boyfriend and his very new date have an excellent and romantic Valentine’s Day meal. My thoughts looking back are: make sure you order your food to go when you’re being stood up.” 

Kristen Nyman: International Relations/Political Science Sophomore

“I was with my boyfriend (now ex-boyfriend) for almost a year and it was our first Valentine’s Day together. I went all out, putting balloons in his room, a frame with a picture of us, I decorated his car and got him baseball chocolates. The first thing he says when he sees me is “how did you get into my house.” And after all this, all he had for me were flowers and a Kit Kat bar. We went to ChicBerry and later to a park to sit. Later we went to my house to watch ESPN as he ate his chocolates. Looking back on it, I should have realized he was cheating.”


“It was my first official date with this guy I had been crushing on for a while. The plan was to go out to eat a romantic dinner and enjoy what I was hoping would be a successful valentine’s day. We get to the seafood restaurant and behold a two hour wait to be seated (side note: make reservations if you want to go out to dinner on Valentine’s day.) Once we finally sat down and the food got there, we began to eat, holding semi-awkward conversations (I had just recently met him.) All of a sudden I feel my food coming up. I had to literally run to the bathroom to avoid having my dinner reappear on my plate right in front of him. Once I got back, I had to ask him to take me home and as you can probably assume it wasn’t only our first date but it was also our last.”

-Doris Gonzalez: Biology Sophomore




Nicole Aguiar is a public relations major at Florida International University in Miami, Florida. As an active writer for both Her Campus online magazine, and FIU's newspaper, The Beacon, she publishes news stories weekly in her community. Nicole has also interned for the Public Relations team at the Adrienne Arsht Center for the Performing Arts of Miami-Dade County and is currently an executive board member for FIU's Relay for Life.