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Why you should binge watch the Mr. and Mrs. Smith “remake.”

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at FIU chapter.

When I first watched the trailer for this series, I was looking forward to it. As someone who would prefer to watch her favorite sitcoms repeatedly, I wanted to watch something new. Thus, the spy thriller with a romantic twist intrigued me, and also the talented Donald Glover was in it, so that was a plus. If you want to watch a show with various genres, such as action, romance, and comedy, Mr. and Mrs. Smith would be a good choice to binge-watch.

The Plot

When I first heard of the show’s title, I initially thought it would be a remake of the movie in which Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt had starred. Although I was glad that it was not, what is so great about this show was that it had its plot. If anything, the only thing the movie and show had in common was the title. In this series, the plot depicts two strangers who are assigned to portray a married couple named Mr. and Mrs. Smith, and they are assigned to work as spies for this mysterious organization, Hi Hi. In the first episode, we get introduced to John and Jane, whose real names are revealed in the final episode, talking separately to this artificial intelligence screen: Hi, Hi. Hi Hi, asks both individuals about their past employment, family history, etc. John, Donald Glover, states that he has a history in the military; he only has his mother. Jane, Maya Erskine, had stated that she almost became an agent in the CIA and had an estranged relationship with her father. Both individuals meet once they are assigned to move into a townhome in New York; since then, Hi Hi has assigned them dangerous tasks to complete.

The Cast

You may know Donald Glover for his performances in series such as Community or Atlanta. Or, you may know for his alternate ego, Childish Gambino, and several albums such as “Awaken, My Love” or “Camp.” Maya Erskine is a talented actress well known for her work in “PEN15,” a comedy television, considered a semi-autobiography, depicting her memories through middle school. Both actors bring complexities into their characters and share similarities and differences; as the show progresses, they demonstrate how their romance as mercenaries flourishes into having marital problems that couples could relate to in real life.

The Themes

At the show’s beginning, John and Jane devote their life to espionage for the mysterious organization as a job. Jane clearly tells John that she is not looking for romance and wants to keep the marriage as a cover and be professional. However, as the show progresses, you can see their undeniable chemistry, and they start to be a couple. However, as the show progresses, their differences show how they see the future together. Not only does this show, have romantic elements it is also filled scenes that have to do with action and thrillers, such as car chases and fight scenes. Thus, if you are the type that loves to watch a show that is romance-filled or a show that is thrilling with twists and turns and keeps you on the edge of your seat, Mr. and Mrs. Smith would be a great option for you. The show is available to watch on Amazon Prime.

Hello! My name is Christine Santiago; my pronouns are she, her, and hers. My major is Political Science/Pre-Law.