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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at FIU chapter.

Ice Spice, a young rapper from the Bronx, is someone I am currently obsessed with. Her distinct sense of identity and rapping style is unlike anything we’ve heard before. Could she really be the industry’s new-it girl?

Isis Gaston, most famously known as Ice Spice quickly rose to fame in the last year for her unique style of rapping. She began releasing music in 2021 with the debut of her song “Munch (Feelin’ U).” A rap song that can be interpreted by the listener, but most believe it is about unrequited love and even female empowerment. Drake, one of the most famous rappers in the industry, took notice and played her song on his Sirius XM station. This piqued the interest of many listeners, skyrocketing her to fame and the public eye.

Because of the unique way she rhymes and incorporates lyrics into her songs, many of her songs have gone viral on TikTok. One of the most famous trends on TikTok derived from her song “Bikini Bottom” where users were taking the lyrics ‘How can I lose if I’m already chose? ‘Like’ and applying it to a variety of entertaining scenarios.

It was revealed in a recent interview that her name derives from a Finsta account name she made when she was 14. She states that she simply found the name to be funny and rhyme so she stuck with it. Despite the fact that Gaston had been making music for fun since she was 14, she did not decide to release any singles until 2021. This authenticity in being herself, whether in music or fashion, is what makes her appealing to her fan base, which goes by several names: The Spice Cabinet, The Spice Cadets, and the Munchkins. As a result, they dubbed her “the People’s Princess.” Previously only reserved for Princess Diana. So, what exactly is Ice Spice’s appeal? How did she manage to capture the internet’s heart so quickly?

Winning over the internet’s heart is no easy task since nowadays it is filled with hatred and people who watch you under a microscope just to dissect your every move. Even though this is true, Ice Spice still maintains her originality and sense of self. She has described herself to be a very shy individual and still seems to portray that to the public eye which is rare to see in the entertainment industry. She also listens to her fan base, and after learning about her new nickname she titled one of her songs in her debut EP, Like ..?  “Princess Diana” which quickly became a fan favorite.

Her sense of style, on the other hand, does not go unnoticed by the public, as it is quite different from what typical female rap artists wear. Her sense of style hasn’t changed much since she rose to fame; her look is instantly recognizable and replicable, but she intends to present herself to the world on her own terms, no matter what she wears. Her most recent video shoot for one of her songs “In Ha Mood” drew harsh criticism for her outfit choice. Wearing a seemingly basic outfit consisting of true religion jeans, a white Tank, and red accessories got the internet talking. Some even suggested she hire a stylist, to which she responded in a recent tweet, “you wouldn’t get it.”

So what are your thoughts on Ice Spice? I personally love how she is challenging the male-dominated field of rap with music targeted toward female empowerment and making girls feel good instead of the typical male-derogatory rapping, which mostly consists of dehumanizing women and tearing them down. If you haven’t already, let this be a sign to listen to one of her songs you might just surprise yourself and add her to your favorites.

Hi! My name is Melissabel Fleites, and I am currently a sophomore at FIU majoring in International Business and Marketing. I love to write just about anything and everything, from fashion to beauty to conducting mini-interviews to gain more insight on random subjects. I am by no means an expert! Just a college girl taking you on her college journey one article at a time. <3 Follow me on Instagram! @m3lissa_.x