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Ways communities are creating a safe space for people with disability

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at FIU chapter.

According to American progress, people who have a form of disability experience a higher poverty rate due to discrimination in the workplace. Although this was the case in recent years, legislators have been more aware of the critical need to remove barriers to work, upward mobility, and economic security for persons with disabilities.

In addition, some ways to create a welcoming environment for those who may struggle with a form of disability is to create a no judgement zone among public places, work, or any other environment. Some ways communities can physically accommodate people with disability is building ramps, widening doors for easy access to come in and out. For example, most libraries have ramps to help people get around and have easier access to what we take advantage of that many may not be able to get to. In addition, some public libraries have messages all over the facility in brail to help those who need it, which is a great option for many. Also, many libraries provide services like audio books and other accommodations.

In general, ways we as a future and present community can help people who experience physical or mental challenges is to ensure people are educated regarding the topic as well as being open about it as it is something many should understand about. Also, to provide more convenience towards people who need it more, for example, a way a community can create a safe and more convenient way for those who experiences challenges can be something like in supermarkets where they can provide brail lettering on there shelves so customers are aware of the product. In addition, there are just so many possibilities as to creating a more fair and considerate way we do things that are a huge help to others.

Furthermore, just supporting employment among those and increasing overall employment. As well as increase political representation of people with disabilities and for business to start or continue viewing treating the disability community as a valuable customer. Therefore, with little steps one day at a time we can make a positive difference to those in the disability community.

Kaitlin is a current senior majoring in Marketing '22.