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Victoria Secret Model Takes a Dive on the Runway

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at FIU chapter.

As we get ready for the holidays, December is the month of joy, but it also means that it is time for Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show. Girls around the world were staring at their TV screens waiting for the show to start, and the show was eventful to say the least.

Model Ming Xi ended up taking a fall at the show when she slipped on her veil and went head first to the floor. However, she took it like a champ and got up to finish off her walk. CBS wanted to edit out the fall from the Fall Fashion Show before it aired, but ultimately decided against it. Producers realized that the show would have more views if they aired the fall because it is considered “TV Gold”. They have edited embarrassing moments in the past, including Ariana Grande getting hit in the face with an angel’s wing during her performance.

As producers saw this as a way to get views, the audience saw it as a moment when women empowered each other. Model Gizele Oliveira offered Xi her hand to help her get up after the fall. The crowd was wild with excitement as Xi finished her walk, struck a pose and kept her head held high the whole time. It is incidents like this that should remind us that sometimes in life we fall, but it is all about getting back up and finishing what you started. Girls can look up to Xi because she exemplifies what it means to keep going no matter what happens. It is also a perfect example of how girls should stick together and look out for each other, because that is something that you would want done for you in return. Never forget that the people who look out for you are the reason why you are the person you are today. Take a page out of Ming Xi’s book and keep your head up, your strut strong and your confidence high.


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