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Treat Yourself Before Bed

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at FIU chapter.

    Right before bed I love to have my little “me” time. You know, the time where you shut the world off and kind of take care of yourself for a little bit. There’s a few things I’ve found that have helped me not just feel better at the end of a long stressful day, but fall asleep much easier. Here are a few:



  1. “Away From Phone 30 Minutes Before Bed” Rule

    I know this may sound silly, but it is so true. Turning your phone on silent or even off 20-30 minutes before your head hits the pillow is so important. Your eyes adjust easier to the lighting in your room and it gives you time to disconnect and follow through with your skin care routine or even a face mask. Take advantage of these precious 30 minutes because they are YOURS! Put text messages and phone calls on hold and guard your time. Put YOU first for these 30 minutes. You deserve them!


2.  Clear Your Mind

    There are a few different ways to do this, but it all starts with releasing any negative or sour thoughts you may have. Use Aromatherapy candles or even take a bubble bath to just focus on something else other than the clutter your mind is storing from today. Use this time to remind yourself that tomorrow is a brand new fresh day, and it could be the most opportune and life changing day of your life. Today is over, tomorrow is ahead. Look forward, not back.


3. Refresh Your Skin

    After a long day of wearing that makeup for 8+ hours, your skin is crying for some TLC. One of my favorite things to do before bed is take care of my skin. I find using my Lush products and just moisturizing properly prior to bed makes all the difference in how my skin feels. Research the best face masks, toners and moisturizers for your specific kind of skin and of course the reviews, purchase them and make it a habit to apply them to your face every night before bed. You’ll wake up the next morning and your face will feel like it got its beauty sleep too!


4. Hot Lemon Water or Tea

    Sounds cheesy, but this is the best internal detox for your body and provides that Vitamin C it needs! I take a fresh lemon, slice it in half, pour myself half a cup of water into a mug and squeeze the lemon into the water. And there you have lemon juice! Place your mug into the microwave and set the timer for one minute. You can do this with tea or lemon water, either way I find it may make me pee a lot, but at least before bed you are getting rid of all the unwanted toxins in your body!



I hope these few self-treatments before bed give you a much more relaxing night, and an even more relaxing sleep! Sleep tight beauty queen!




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