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Three Secrets To Spending Less In College

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at FIU chapter.

I know it’s easy to spend all of our money during the week on food, clothes and other simple expenses. Everything food-wise is enticing nowadays, and whenever we hear “Zara Sale,” it’s like Disney World just came to Miami for us college women. Once we lean more on wanting rather than needing, we tend to splurge way more than we really should. I’m guilty of this, and I’m sure many other girls are too!


I’ve found three little secrets to saving that have helped me immensely when I start to feel like I need everything on a I see on a website or in front of me at the Starbucks menu. Here it is:


  1. Don’t Set Yourself Up

    If you know you’ll end up turning into that shopping plaza to go into Starbucks Coffee and spend that $4.00 that you don’t really need to spend, then don’t drive that way! If you know when you go into a specific entrance of a mall to pick up makeup you’ll give in to stepping into Zara, then don’t go through that entrance! Do not test yourself when you have low self-control when spending money. There are so many temptations available, and if you purposely don’t drive yourself to a vulnerable position, you’re less likely to go and spend money on something you may not exactly need, but just want.


2) Think Long-Term

    This one’s tough, especially for me. I mean, we live in a society where we can have anything we want at the tip of our fingers whenever we want. I guess that makes it 10x’s more tempting. But do not give in! Think about perspective. What you want now may cause you to be short on something you’ve been saving up for for later. Yes, it’s easier said than done when the item or food you want is right there in front of your face, but the more you decide to switch your mind to long-term spending, the more you’ll increase your self control and find yourself becoming a much wiser decision maker when you’re in front of that retail store or restaurant.


3) Calculate Your Spending

    If you know you are one to just spend away at any second- try adding up your normal spending during the week, then subtracting your “do-away with” expenses. You’ll probably be shocked at how low a number it is. Then, try adding back the few purchases you could actually have “done away with” for the week. You’ll find your number increasing and your bank account being much happier as well as yourself. It puts your spending into a great perspective and really shows you what to spend on and what not to spend throughout your week. Try it out for yourself!


I hope this helps you and your bank account breathe a little better! Good luck!





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