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The rampant antisemitism in media finally being addressed.

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at FIU chapter.

You, ME & mr.yE

A lot has happened and is continuing to happen this week. Adidas, Gap, and a plethora of other brands and people have publicly distanced themselves from Kanye West after various anti-Semitic remarks, on top of the boiling pot that was already his publicity. 

Let us not focus on the man but on the point. I am elated to see grand, public backlash and most of all action out of reprimand to show the severity of saying remarks such as the ones that were expressed. I feel as though there is this unspoken tier list of who can get it worse than other religious, racial or social groups based upon absolutely nothing. Aside from the fact that if we let certain remarks be thrown at a group slide, then it gives permission to everyone else showing that “it’s ok” to do so to other groups since there is no repercussion. 

The snowball effect reigns, keeping its heavy-weight title in these situations. Some people are so shocked or appalled that he would say something like this, as if the recent harassment of the Kardashian clan from him wasn’t enough, alongside other piling indiscretions. There are no lapses. I’m the 100th voice speaking on this saying “discrimination is bad.” That will be said a thousand times and more. This is something we already should know. Unfortunately, over the past two years, that has had to be reiterated more than ever. It’s been so easy to point out and scrutinize when it’s an in-your-face situation and so easy for others to be proactive then.

Being proactive is starting with what a person surrounds themselves in the first place. Being just as vocal about when a larger situation happens as well as the smaller. Because when the more nuanced suggestions or remarks are expressed, if not reprimanded with the same level of severity as what should’ve been done, it will only begin to snowball. To be cautious of who one surrounds themselves with is necessary. Being proactive in every day situations or conversations is more effective than any cute infographic that is haphazardly posted. Being able to continuously spot piling indiscretions and/or verbal violence against any minority group should always be the first and final sign. That is a palpable manifestation of what lies within said person’s moral bindings. The signs are always there. From beginning to end. 

The option should always be to let go and cut losses. Having to be a teacher to other grown adults is not one’s responsibility to bear. Unless there is a willingness to grow.

Hi my name is Elizabeth but you can also call me Justine! I’m an international relations major at FIU just trying to share my thoughts, concerns, observations and victories with our HerCampus family!