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Successfully Springing into Spring

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at FIU chapter.

I think we can all agree that our winter break came and went like THAT! We already find ourselves back in class, taking out our agendas and tuning in to what our professors are requiring of us within this fresh semester. 

I feel like with spring semester, everything happens very fast. So it’s extremely important not to lose track of what you’re doing and what you’re set to accomplish within the time period of January to April. There’s a few small things I’ve done personally in hopes of springing me forward in this semester that I think may actually help you:


  1. Write Due Dates

    I recommend you print or pull up every syllabus you have for each class and literally write down every test, homework and quiz date. Yes, it may take you half an hour to forty-five minutes, but you’ll thank yourself later on for it. On the major test days that I write, I flip back in my agenda to the week prior and put an asterisk saying *TEST NEXT WEDNESDAY-PREPARE*!! and that gives you a better visual of how much time you have left to study for this major test date. I find that doing this helps eliminate any signs of procrastination as a student because you’re more aware of what’s happening and when it’s happening before you find yourself walking into class and the professor is handing out the test.


2.  Commit To Study Times

During the week, block off specific times during the day made just for studying. Committing to specific days during the week as our “study days” when we have that urge to go out to different events will help eliminate these distractions. Of course, we prefer to go out instead of hitting the books, but it’s important to stick to these set study days because it will keep us on track and responsible time management wise.


3. Take Care Of YOU

Whether this means going to bed a half hour earlier, watching an extra lecture a day to further prepare for a class, or just going to the supermarket the weekend before your school week to have your lunches set, DO IT. These small things add up to really huge things, and in the end they save you so much time and most importantly- stress.


Take this spring semester and make it YOURS. If anyone can handle the college life, YOU can. Just take things in moderation and set yourself up for success by doing these small things that will turn out to be huge helps throughout your Spring semester.





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