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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at FIU chapter.

As the sizzle of the fireworks dies down, the apple cider finishes, and the clock strikes midnight, the indication that a new year is upon us is obvious. With the start of a new year many people take it as the opportunity for a new beginning, and rightfully so. New Year’s is one of the most popular holidays, not just simply due to the bubbly and loved ones surrounding you, but because of all that it brings after everyone has cheered.

With the prospect of starting a new semester, perhaps a new routine or even a job, there are things in your life that will stay the same and hold you back from breaking through the person you once were and becoming the new woman (or man) that you want to be. This is where the term “spring-cleaning” comes in. Its pretty common to get chills, hide under the sheets and swear to never come out when hearing that term: mostly because everyone associates it with hours of cleaning up the house, especially if you have a Hispanic mother. But, alas, spring-cleaning here does not only refer to that.

Spring-cleaning entails clearing out anything that has a negative effect on your life. With getting rid of these negative spaces, you are opening up space for new and better opportunities to come into your life.


Delete. A lot of us are guilty of hoarding unnecessary photos, emails, texts and videos from people who serve no purpose of being there. Delete these. Open up space and memory onto your laptop and phone and allow for new memories to be saved and cherished. There is no point in holding onto old memories with people who did not have the best intentions.

Clear. Stop following 3,000 people on social media if only 100 of those are important. Life isn’t all about numbers and letting go of that infatuation will open up the door for you to enjoy the important things in life. Unsubscribe and unfollow things or people that you no longer care for. Doesn’t have to be a huge deal or that you hate them, all you are doing is limiting what you keep up with.

Clean. This goes two ways. The classic “clean out your environment” in order to get rid of stuff you don’t use. This can be in the form of old clothes, toys, books, or anything materialistic that you have not touched in a long time. For me, I get rid of anything I haven’t worn in the previous year and consider adding to that pile with stuff I didn’t touch the last six months. Cleaning out can also be you staying away from toxic people in your life. Cleaning your planner, to-do list and pretty much anything that aids you being a Girl Boss.


To ensure that I’m ready for a successful new year, I always like to ‘spring-clean’ myself. Go get your nails done, treat yourself to a new haircut or blowout, put on a facemask and hydrate your skin. With taking these steps, you are closing the door on past failures and beginning the chapter with all that this new year has to offer.




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