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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at FIU chapter.

College: defined by many as the best 4 years of your life, the time where you will make everlasting friendships, and also the period where some claim that it is the first step into adulthood. However, what people don’t tell you is that college can easily become a black hole in which the late-night studying hours, rising levels of stress, and trying to balance it all with a social life can all consume you. Of course, academics will always be of upmost importance, but people tend to forget about organizing time for themselves and their well-being. Here are a few self-care tips for anyone trying to improve their health, prevent a burn out stage, or lower those scary stress altitudes:

  1. Eat healthy meals – although nearly everyone raves about how common the Freshman 15 is, it is totally possible! Keeping up with a food plan, taking vitamins, and drinking loads of water (8+ glasses) is vital to getting your body to a healthier state. Also, breakfast really is the most important meal of the day; without it, you won’t start your day off feeling energized, fresh, and ready to take on the world. Eat more fruits and vegetables and instead of having 3 large meals a day, split it into 5, meaning between each meal you have a healthy snack to keep your body fueled!
  2. Sleep – 6 to 8 hours of sleep is defined as what us college students need daily in order to function normally. According to research conducted in the University of Georgia, “pulling an all-nighter and cramming at the last minute” is ironically counterproductive to a student’s academic performance. The lack of sleep correlates to students making lower grades, missing deadlines, or dropping from classes.
  3. Exercise – Exercising is key (*cue DJ Khaled voice*) to maintaining a healthy and active lifestyle. It is known to decrease people’s stress levels and also is a perfect break and getaway from your school or work schedule. As college students here at Florida International University, we have unlimited FREE access to the gym and fitness classes every day. These classes include group cycling, Zumba, yoga, kickboxing and more. So give the gym a chance to not only shape a better version of yourself but to also aid in a healthier lifestyle!
  4. Set attainable goals – With all the endless opportunities FIU has to offer, it is easy to get caught up and sign yourself up for every involvement. But do not overwhelm yourself with so many involvements all at once. You have 4 years to do everything you want, FIU is not going anywhere. Therefore, establish both short-term and long-term goals for yourself. Write these goals down and place them somewhere that’ll remind you every day what you want. Once these goals are eventually accomplished, reward yourself because you’re a star!
  5. Establish relationships – Last but definitely not least, creating relationships is so important for your mental health. Family and friends will be there for you through the toughest times. Do not close yourself off if you hit rough waves. Get involved on campus to make even more connections and friends. Having a social life not only is a nice break from academics but it revitalizes you when you need it the most!

College is a rollercoaster of memories, emotions, and experiences and those 4 years will go by in the blink of an eye. But it is up to you to take care of yourself in these years of self-discovery. Make sure to know when you need a mental break. Be selfish and put your well-being first. You only have one life to live so make sure you live it to its upmost potential!


Sleep Rocks! …get more of it! (n.d.). Retrieved from https://www.uhs.uga.edu/sleep/

Cristina is currently a Junior at Florida International University, co-Director of Morale for Roarthon, and a Staff Writer for Her Campus! Although she is on the physical therapy track, her love for writing stemmed at a young age when writing imaginative stories for fun and is so excited to embark on this creative writing adventure. Aside from her studies, Cristina has been dancing since she was 3 and performed on Broadway in the Summer of 2016 for an Autism Speaks Benefit Concert! She loves anything NYC related, spicy ramen soup, and is obsessed with dogs. Stay tuned for more articles! xoxo