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Redefining The Term “Homecoming Queen”

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at FIU chapter.

Over this past weekend you probably heard the all buzz around a senior at Ocean Springs High School for wearing both a tiara and a football uniform. In this moment, she became a role model for girls across the United States. On Friday night, at her high school’s homecoming football game, Kaylee Foster was pronounced homecoming queen receiving flowers and a tiara. Pictures were taken in her beautiful, black beaded gown with the rest of the homecoming court right before she shocked everyone. She proceeds to walk off the field then returns in a football uniform. She was originally a soccer player, but began to start kicking with the football team just months before. Throughout the game, Foster kicked a pair of field goals in regulation, and scored an extra point in overtime to clench the victory for the Greyhounds. Her teammates rushed to the field in celebration. After the game, she posed again with her tiara, but this time in her football uniform, the picture that has now gone viral. Little girls around the world are now heard to be saying “I want to be her!” No one should ever be afraid to pursue what they enjoy doing, strive towards their goals, and break out of their shells. Kaylee Foster wants all girls to know “It’s OK to be you!” You are capable of amazing things, you do what you want to do and what makes you happy This story is such an inspiration to girls all around the world because it shows that you can be whoever you want to be, and that it’s time that we start breaking out of stereotypical molds of what society believes we should be. 

My name is Lindzey Felzer. I am from South Florida and I have lived here my entire life. While attending Florida International University I am studying psychology on the pre-med track to become a physical therapist. Some things I enjoy doing during my free time include hanging out with friends and family, taking trips to the beach, and going to the dog park. Happy Reading!!